Code example for DataGrid v.4.0.0:
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 1. Creating & Calling: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
define ("DATAGRID_DIR", "datagrid/");
define ("PEAR_DIR", "datagrid/pear/");
## *** creating variables that we need for database connection
$DB_USER='root'; /* usually like this: prefix_name */
$DB_PASS='12345'; /* must be already enscrypted (recommended) */
$DB_HOST='localhost'; /* usually localhost */
$DB_NAME='localhost_db'; /* usually like this: prefix_dbName */
## (example of ODBC connection string)
## $myDB =& DB::factory('odbc');
## $myDB -> connect(DB::parseDSN('odbc://root:12345@test_db'));
## (examples of connections to another db types see in "docs/db_odbtp.htm" file
## or check the latest version on - http://odbtp.sourceforge.net/DB_odbtp.html)
$db_conn =& DB::factory('mysql');
$db_conn -> connect(DB::parseDSN('mysql://'.$DB_USER.':'.$DB_PASS.'@'.$DB_HOST.'/'.$DB_NAME));
## *** put a primary key on the first place
$sql=" SELECT "
."tblCountries.CountryID, "
."tblRegions.Name as Region, "
."tblCountries.Name, "
."tblCountries.Description, "
."FORMAT(tblCountries.Population, 0) as Population, "
."tblCountries.PictureURL, "
."tblDemocracy.description as is_democracy "
."FROM tblCountries INNER JOIN tblRegions ON tblCountries.RegionID=tblRegions.RegionID "
."LEFT OUTER JOIN tblDemocracy ON tblCountries.is_democracy=tblDemocracy.did ";
## *** set needed options
$debug_mode = false;
$messaging = true;
$unique_prefix = "f_";
$dgrid = new DataGrid($debug_mode, $messaging, $unique_prefix, DATAGRID_DIR);
## *** set data source with needed options
$default_order_field = "CountryID";
$default_order_type = "DESC";
$dgrid->dataSource($db_conn, $sql, $default_order_field, $default_order_type);
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 2. General Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set encoding (default - utf8)
$dg_encoding = "utf8";
## *** set interface language (default - English)
$dg_language = "en"; // (en) - English, (de) - German, (hr) - Bosnian/Croatian
## *** set direction: "ltr" or "rtr" (default - "ltr")
$direction = "ltr";
## *** set layouts: 0 - tabular(horizontal) - default, 1 - columnar(vertical)
$layouts = array("view"=>0, "edit"=>1, "filter"=>1);
## *** set other modes ("type" => "link|button|image")
## *** "byFieldValue"=>"fieldName" - make the field to be a link to edit mode page
$modes = array(
"add"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"link"),
"edit"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>true, "type"=>"link", "byFieldValue"=>""),
"cancel"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>true, "type"=>"link"),
"details"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"link"),
"delete"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>true, "type"=>"image")
## *** set CSS class for datagrid:
$css_class = "default"; // "default" or "blue" or "gray" or "green" or your css file relative path with name
$css_type = "embedded"; // "embedded" - use embedded classes, "file" - link external css file
$dgrid->setCssClass($css_class, $css_type);
## *** set variables that used to get access to the page (like: my_page.php?act=34&id=56 etc.)
$http_get_vars = array("act");
## *** set another datagrid/s unique prefixes (if you use few datagrids on one page)
## *** format: array("unique_prefix"=>array("view"=>true|false, "edit"=>true|false, "details"=>true|false));
$anotherDatagrids = array("fp_"=>array("view"=>false, "edit"=>true, "details"=>true));
## *** set DataGrid title
$dg_title = "My Favorite Lovely PHP DataGrid";
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 3. Printing & Exporting Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set printing option: true(default) or false
$printing_option = true;
## *** set exporting option: true(default) or false
$exporting_option = true;
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 4. Sorting & Paging Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set sorting option: true(default) or false
$sorting_option = true;
## *** set paging option: true(default) or false
$paging_option = true;
$rows_numeration = false;
$numeration_sign = "N #";
$dgrid->allowPaging($paging_option, $rows_numeration, $numeration_sign);
## *** set paging settings
$bottom_paging = array("results"=>true, "results_align"=>"left", "pages"=>true, "pages_align"=>"center", "page_size"=>true, "page_size_align"=>"right");
$top_paging = array();
$pages_array = array(10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000);
$default_page_size = 10;
$dgrid->setPagingSettings($bottom_paging, $top_paging, $pages_array, $default_page_size);
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 5. Filter Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set filtering option: true or false(default)
$filtering_option = true;
## *** set fields in filtering mode:
$fill_from_array = array("10000", "250000", "5000000", "25000000", "100000000");
$filtering_fileds = array(
"Country" =>array("table"=>"tblCountries", "field"=>"Name", "data"=>"self", "operator"=>true, "type"=>"textbox", "case_sensitive"=>true, "comparison_type"=>"binary"),
"Region" =>array("table"=>"tblRegions", "field"=>"Name", "data"=>"self", "order"=>"DESC", "operator"=>true, "type"=>"dropdownlist", "case_sensitive"=>false, "comparison_type"=>"binary"),
"Date" =>array("table"=>"tblCountries", "field"=>"PictureURL", "data"=>"self", "operator"=>true, "type"=>"textbox", "case_sensitive"=>false, "comparison_type"=>"binary"),
"Population" =>array("table"=>"tblCountries", "field"=>"Population", "data"=>$fill_from_array, "order"=>"DESC", "operator"=>true, "type"=>"dropdownlist", "case_sensitive"=>false, "comparison_type"=>"numeric")
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 6. View Mode Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set table properties
// $vm_table_properties = array("width"=>"90%");
// $dgrid->setViewModeTableProperties($vm_table_properties);
## *** set columns in view mode
$vm_colimns = array(
"Region" =>array("header"=>"Region Name", "type"=>"label", "align"=>"left", "wrap"=>"nowrap", "text_length"=>"-1", "case"=>"normal"),
"Name" =>array("header"=>"Country Name", "type"=>"lable", "align"=>"left", "wrap"=>"wrap", "text_length"=>"-1", "case"=>"normal"),
"Population" =>array("header"=>"Population", "type"=>"label", "align"=>"right", "wrap"=>"nowrap", "text_length"=>"-1", "case"=>"normal"),
"Description" =>array("header"=>"Short Description","type"=>"label", "align"=>"left", "wrap"=>"wrap", "text_length"=>"-1", "case"=>"lower"),
"PictureURL" =>array("header"=>"Picture", "type"=>"link", "align"=>"center", "wrap"=>"nowrap", "text_length"=>"-1", "field"=>"PictureURL", "prefix"=>"http://", "target"=>"_new", "case"=>"normal")
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 7. Edit/Details Mode settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set settings for edit/details mode
$table_name = "tblCountries";
$primary_key = "CountryID";
$dgrid->setTableEdit($table_name, $primary_key);
## *** set columns in edit mode
## *** first letter: r - required, s - simple (not required)
## *** second letter: t - text(including datetime), n - numeric, a - alphanumeric, e - email, f - float, y -any, l - login, p - password, i - integer, v - verified
## *** width - optional
$em_columns = array(
"RegionID" =>array("header"=>"Region", "type"=>"textbox", "width"=>"210px", "req_type"=>"rt", "title"=>"Region Name"),
"Name" =>array("header"=>"Country", "type"=>"textbox", "width"=>"210px", "req_type"=>"ry", "title"=>"Country Name"),
"Description" =>array("header"=>"Short Descr.", "type"=>"textarea", "width"=>"210px", "req_type"=>"rt", "title"=>"Short Description", "edit_type"=>"wysiwyg"),
"Population" =>array("header"=>"Peoples", "type"=>"textbox", "width"=>"139px", "req_type"=>"ri", "title"=>"Population(Peoples)"),
"PictureURL" =>array("header"=>"Image URL", "type"=>"textbox", "width"=>"210px", "req_type"=>"st", "title"=>"Image URL"),
"is_democracy" =>array("header"=>"Is Democracy", "type"=>"textbox", "width"=>"210px", "req_type"=>"sy", "title"=>"Is Democraty"),
"independentDate" =>array("header"=>"Independence Day", "type"=>"date", "width"=>"210px", "req_type"=>"rt", "title"=>"Independence Day")
## *** set foreign keys for edit/details mode (if there are linked tables)
$foreign_keys = array(
"RegionID"=>array("table"=>"tblRegions", "field_key"=>"RegionID", "field_name"=>"Name", "view_type"=>"dropdownlist"),
"is_democracy"=>array("table"=>"tblDemocracy ", "field_key"=>"did", "field_name"=>"description", "view_type"=>"radiobutton")
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 8. Bind the DataGrid: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set debug mode & messaging options
// if we in EDIT mode of the first datagrid
if(isset($_GET['f_mode']) && (($_GET['f_mode'] == "edit") || ($_GET['f_mode'] == "details"))){
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 1. Creating & Calling: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** put a primary key on the first place
$sql=" SELECT "
."tblPresidents.presidentID, "
."tblPresidents.CountryID, "
."tblPresidents.Name, "
."tblPresidents.BirthDate, "
."tblPresidents.Status "
."FROM tblPresidents INNER JOIN tblCountries ON tblPresidents.CountryID=tblCountries.CountryID "
."WHERE tblPresidents.CountryID = ".$dgrid->rid." ";
## *** set needed options
$debug_mode = false;
$messaging = true;
$unique_prefix = "fp_";
$dgrid1 = new DataGrid($debug_mode, $messaging, $unique_prefix, DATAGRID_DIR);
## *** set data source with needed options
$default_order_field = "presidentID";
$default_order_type = "DESC";
$dgrid1->dataSource($db_conn, $sql, $default_order_field, $default_order_type);
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 2. General Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set encoding (default - utf8)
$dg_encoding = "utf8";
## *** set interface language (default - English)
$dg_language = "en"; // (en) - English, (de) - German, (hr) - Bosnian/Croatian
## *** set direction: "ltr" or "rtr" (default - "ltr")
$direction = "ltr";
## *** set layouts: 0 - tabular(horizontal) - default, 1 - columnar(vertical)
$layouts = array("view"=>0, "edit"=>0, "filter"=>1);
## *** set other modes ("type" => "link|button|image")
## *** "byFieldValue"=>"fieldName" - make the field to be a link to edit mode page
if($_GET['f_mode'] == "edit"){
$modes = array(
"add"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"link"),
"edit"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>true, "type"=>"link", "byFieldValue"=>""),
"cancel"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>true, "type"=>"link"),
"details"=>array("view"=>false, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"link"),
"delete"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"image")
$modes = array(
"add"=>array("view"=>false, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"link"),
"edit"=>array("view"=>false, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"link", "byFieldValue"=>""),
"cancel"=>array("view"=>false, "edit"=>true, "type"=>"link"),
"details"=>array("view"=>false, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"link"),
"delete"=>array("view"=>false, "edit"=>false, "type"=>"image")
## *** set CSS class for datagrid:
$css_class = "default"; // "default" or "gray" or "like adwords" or "salomon" or your css file relative path with name
$css_type = "embedded"; // "embedded" - use embedded classes, "file" - link external css file
$dgrid1->setCssClass($css_class, $css_type);
## *** set variables that used to get access to the page (like: my_page.php?act=34&id=56 etc.)
$http_get_vars = array("act");
## *** set another datagrid/s unique prefixes (if you use few datagrids on one page)
## *** format: array("unique_prefix"=>array("view"=>true|false, "edit"=>true|false, "details"=>true|false));
$anotherDatagrids = array("f_"=>array("view"=>true, "edit"=>true, "details"=>true));
## *** set DataGrid title
$dg_title = "Presidents";
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 3. Printing & Exporting Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set printing option: true(default) or false
$printing_option = false;
## *** set exporting option: true(default) or false
$exporting_option = false;
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 4. Sorting & Paging Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set sorting option: true(default) or false
$sorting_option = true;
## *** set paging option: true(default) or false
$paging_option = true;
$rows_numeration = false;
$numeration_sign = "N #";
$dgrid1->allowPaging($paging_option, $rows_numeration, $numeration_sign);
## *** set paging settings
$bottom_paging = array();
$top_paging = array();
$pages_array = array(10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000);
$default_page_size = 10;
$dgrid1->setPagingSettings($bottom_paging, $top_paging, $pages_array, $default_page_size);
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 6. View Mode Settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set table properties
$vm_table_properties = array("width"=>"70%");
## *** set columns in view mode
$vm_colimns = array(
"Name" =>array("header"=>"Name", "type"=>"lable", "align"=>"left", "wrap"=>"wrap", "text_length"=>"20", "case"=>"normal"),
"BirthDate" =>array("header"=>"Birth Date", "type"=>"label", "align"=>"center", "wrap"=>"nowrap", "text_length"=>"-1", "case"=>"normal"),
"Status" =>array("header"=>"Status", "type"=>"label", "align"=>"center", "wrap"=>"nowrap", "text_length"=>"30", "case"=>"normal")
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 7. Edit/Details Mode settings: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set settings for edit/details mode
$table_name = "tblPresidents";
$primary_key = "presidentID";
$dgrid1->setTableEdit($table_name, $primary_key);
## *** set columns in edit mode
## *** first letter: r - required, s - simple (not required)
## *** second letter: t - text(including datetime), n - numeric, a - alphanumeric, e - email, f - float, y -any, l - login, p - password, i - integer, v - verified
## *** width - optional
$em_columns = array(
"CountryID" =>array("header"=>"Country", "type"=>"textbox", "width"=>"210px", "req_type"=>"ri", "title"=>"Country"),
"Name" =>array("header"=>"Name", "type"=>"textbox", "width"=>"140px", "req_type"=>"ry", "title"=>"Name"),
"BirthDate" =>array("header"=>"Birth Date", "type"=>"date", "width"=>"80px", "req_type"=>"rt", "title"=>"Birth Date"),
"Status" =>array("header"=>"Status", "type"=>"enum", "width"=>"210px", "req_type"=>"st", "title"=>"Status")
## *** set foreign keys for edit/details mode (if there are linked tables)
$foreign_keys = array(
"CountryID"=>array("table"=>"tblCountries ", "field_key"=>"CountryID", "field_name"=>"Name", "view_type"=>"dropdownbox", "condition"=>"")
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## | 8. Bind the DataGrid: |
## +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
## *** set debug mode & messaging options
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