Thursday, November 22, 2012

New paid version of ApPHP DataValidator has been released

We've released new paid version of ApPHP DataValidator - 2.0.1

ApPHP DataValidator is a simple lightweight tool useful for primary general data checks. It handles numbers, strings, emails, URLs. A range of parameters is provided for a wide variety of different verifications. All parameters are used optionally and could be switched on and off for every specific value.
The DataValidator component accepts an array or an object as data container, so it can be easily used to check values got by HTTP request, obtained from database, parsed XML or CSV file or any other source as soon as data are in correct format (array('key'=>'value')). Error handling is made easy and flexible. If validation process fails, you can either obtain a generated error-message or use error-details for logging and user informing in you own style.

Data validation is typically used to make sure that incoming data has a certain quality/value. The validation process is running on a server-side.

To see the script in action click here: LIVE DEMO 

To check recent changes click here: CHANGE LOG

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The new version 4.0.3 of ApPHP Hotel Site script has been released

The new version 4.0.3 of ApPHP Hotel Site script is available now for downloading. There are some bugs fixed and many new additions and improvements.

ApPHP Hotel Site is a powerful hotel management and on-line reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse.

Here the main additions and improvements in the last version:

  • Feature: [added] multi-hotel support feature
  • Feature: [added] list of rooms on hotel description page
  • Feature: [added] possibility to admin to perform reservation in the past
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define booking module is active on a Whole Site, Front-End/Back-End only or inactive
  • Feature: [added] possibility to view Rooms Occupancy for all hotel rooms
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define room prices depending on number of guests
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define additional guests in room
  • Feature: [improved] Calendar - added Portuguese language translation
  • Feature: [improved] Customer module - added possibility for admin to add customers with empty account
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in templates file header.php
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in PDF invoice file
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in index.php?page=booking_payment and Reservation class
  • Feature: [improved] alert messaging for check availability results for special periods of time
  • Feature: [improved] Additional Payment - not it accepts negative values to add a personal discount as an administrator
  • Bugs fixed
To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The new version 2.1.1 of ApPHP Medical Appointment script has been released

The new version 2.1.1 of ApPHP Medical Appointment script is available now for downloading. There are some bugs fixed and many new additions and improvements.

ApPHP Medical Appointment is a Clinic management, doctor and therapist online medical appointment scheduling system for the management of health care appointments.

Here the main additions and improvements:
Version 2.1.1
  • Feature: [added] Doctors Login feature
  • Feature: [added] Doctors Registration feature
  • Feature: [added] alert message for doctors and admins about appointments awaiting approval
  • Feature: [added] SEO links for doctor profile pages
  • Feature: [added] possibility for doctor to edit specialities, addresses and other profile info
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define multiple addresses for Doctors
  • Feature: [added] new module - Google Maps
  • Feature: [added] possibility to view doctor or patient profile in popup window from appointments page
  • Feature: [added] new module - Reminders that allows to send email reminders to patients and doctors
  • Feature: [improved] Possibility to admin to configure Doctors Module settings
  • Feature: [improved] Banners Module - added possibility to use HTML tags in banner text
  • Feature: [improved] Appointments module - added possibility to send notification to admin and/or doctor
  • Feature: [improved] Appointments module - canceled appointments are not shown in past for patients and doctors
  • Feature: [improved] possibility to search doctor by location/address
  • Feature: [improved] secure URL for appointment process
  • Feature: [improved] privacy and security of patient data
  • Bugs fixed
To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

The new version 3.8.4 of ApPHP Shopping Cart has been released.

The new version 3.8.4 of ApPHP Shopping Cart script is available now for downloading. There are some bugs fixed and many new additions and improvements.

ApPHP Shopping Cart is a PHP/MySQL open-source e-commerce system. It is a fully customizable shopping cart, specially designed for web. ApPHP Shopping Cart allows visitors to collect items in a virtual shopping cart over multiple product web pages without losing the items ordered.

Here the main additions and improvements:
Version 3.8.4
  • Feature: [added] new module: FAQ
  • Feature: [added] possibility to recalculate products count for each category via Products Catalog -> Products Management -> Categories Management
  • Feature: [added] new module: Newsletter Subscription
  • Feature: [added] possibility to manage roles and privileges for admins
  • Feature: [added] possibility to send emails via SMTP mailer: General -> Site Settings -> Email Settings
  • Feature: [added] new fields for products: SKU, weight, dimensions
  • Feature: [added] quantity changer withg arrows for shopping cart and product description pages
  • Feature: [improved] "new products" block style on home page
  • Feature: [improved] "resend activation" email procedure
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in functionality of Countries class
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in renaming of product fields
  • Feature: [improved] shopping cart module - added special refund email
  • Bugs fixed
To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.