Wednesday, December 11, 2019

45% Discount - 2019 End of Year Sales started!

Hi, everyone, here 2019 End of Year Sales!
Enjoy with a 45% Offer till 31 December 2019 ONLY!
Instantly if you order any product on

Discount coupon: 2019-ENDY-I18H-TKHE

Valid on: 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

New product - uBidAuction script released!

uBidAuction is a powerful, scalable & fully-featured classic and bid auction software that lets create the ultimate profitable online auctions website. It allows to manage entire online auction operation: create new auctions within seconds, view members auctions and use the auction extension settings tool.

Our auction software uBidAuction will allow to setup comprehensive and robust site with two auction types: classic and regular big auction (user must buy bids to participate). Site administrator can adjust auctions time, step, bid increments, date formats, user authentication, graphic and other parameters in admin panel. Auction payments are via PayPal and it is possible to integrate another payment processor.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

40% discount - 2019 Hot Autumn Sale started!

Hi, everyone, this 2019 Year is our Hot Autumn Sale!

Enjoy with a 40% Offer till 30 September 2018 ONLY!

Coupon Code:

Valid on:

uHotelBooking - hotel management, reservation and online booking system for all types of accommodations and hotel operations.

 uBusinessDirectory - fully-featured web solution for business listings, classifieds directory and yellow pages website.

uAutoDealers - fully-featured web solution for car dealerships and auto classified websites

uDoctorAppontment - clinic management, doctor and therapist online medical appointment scheduling system for the management of health care appointments.

uBidAuction - PHP auction script, popular and cost effective solution to launch your Classic and Bid auctions website.


Wednesday, June 26, 2019

New version 2.2.1 of uDoctorAppointment is released

New version 2.2.1 of uDoctorAppointment has been released. uDoctorAppointment script is pursuing the on-demand trend in doctor appointment booking industry. This complete web-solution consists of a Patient area, Doctor area and Admin Dashboard. Instant delivery and guaranteed file download, encrypted secure order process and 100% open source code.  

This script allows doctors to register and select appropriate membership plan with different features. Patients can view doctor profiles before booking appointments. The site administrator or doctor may create and manage advanced schedules, create working time slots for each day of the week, define time off etc.

 Live Demo is here.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The new version 8.3.9 of ApPHP DataGrid has been released

The new version 8.3.9 of ApPHP DataGrid was released and available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. Please read carefully Getting Started.

The goal of ApPHP DataGrid script is to simplify the generation and editing of DataGrid pages for web developers. It is a fully functional, outstanding open source PHP control.

To view a Live Demo click here.
To download new version click here.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Become a Seller on ApPHP CodeMarket!

Hi everyone! 

We're happy to announce that from now you may sell your products on our CodeMarket. Start to sell your awesome products today, upload creative designs and receive up to 70% for each sale. Get reviews from your users, set your own prices, track your sales and feedback on your products. 

Read more how to Become a Seller.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

New version 2.3.1 of uAutoDealers is released

New version 2.3.1 of uAutoDealers has been released. uAutoDealers is one of the best one-size-fits-all solutions for any car dealer who are looking to bring their business online. This script is the fully functional PHP solution that allows to create infinite pages for listings, easily modify data fields, and customize your services to suit your needs. This PHP based classifieds system and inventory software is endlessly customizable and easy to maintain. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes all processes and reports functionality. Visitors of Auto Dealers will be able to search vehicle listings online, place their price bids/offers, contact vehicle owner and do many other operations. They also could view vehicle description, images, videos, check a list of damages etc. Listing owner has a complete control on listings in a real-time. 

Live Demo is here.

  • added search engine listing (only when adding a new listing)
  • added option to customize the login page layout
  • added popup to terms & conditions
  • added field for listing-fiscal power
  • added RTL support to template
  • minor changes in backend styling
  • removed display of language selection when using only one language
  • changed the order of the fields when adding or editing of the listing for the sellers in the simple version
  • ApPHP MVC Framework upgraded to v1.1.5
  • Directy CMF upgraded to v2.9.2
  • bugs fixed

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The new version 2.8.9 of uHotelBooking script has been released.

The new version 2.8.9 of uHotelBooking script has been released. uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. It has additional modules, like Cars Rental, Conferences Registration, REST API module, responsive template for admin panel etc.

uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. Our hotel reservation system allows you to start online reservation and customer management in minutes. It has been specially designed to simplify the task of hotel booking online. Administrator can manage room types, hotel rates and booking options. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes invoices and reports functionality. Visitors of Hotel Site will be able to search rooms availability with an online booking reservation system. They also could view rooms inventory, check availability and book reservations in a real-time.

Version 2.8.9 changes
  • New possibility to manage min/max adults and children in discount campaigns
  • New possibility to create group discounts using Apply Per property in campaigns
  • New possibility to debug with profiler
  • New possibility to contact directly with hotel via Contact Form
  • New possibility for hotel owners to register
  • New possibility to send copy to admin or/and hotel owner
  • New possibilities to use module shortcodes on homepage also
  • New possibility to add video links in hotels (properties).
  • New new module - Accounts.
  • New standard registration type for hotel owner.
  • New social login for customers.
  • New new account type hotel manager.
  • Enh added new settings COUNT_MEAL_FOR_CHILDREN
  • Enh added new settings ALLOW_ADULTS_SELECTING and ALLOW_CHILDREN_SELECTING that allows to change number of guests
  • Enh added new settings ADMIN_CAN_SEE_INACTIVE_PROPERTIES that allows admin to see inactive hotels
  • Enh rooms management in Admin Panel with hotel selection
  • Enh minor changes in installation wizard
  • Enh changed payment type description in reservation PDF
  • Enh default template changes for mobile devices
  • Enh PHP code styling and added global exceptions handling
  • Enh CSS styling for reservation emails
  • Enh multi-language on script installation
  • Enh added alert on dates changing on bookings and checkout pages
  • Enh added demi properties for test purposes on fresh installation
  • Enh if logged as Hotel Owner hide fields in the Hotels: Group, Stars, Order, Is default, Hotel Owner/ Agent commission
  • Enh if logged as Hotel Owner hide fields in the Hotel Rooms: Order, Max. children.
  • Enh added field "Register Number" in Hotel Info
  • Enh added fields in Room Info: Register Number, Suitable for kids, Floor, Number of single beds, Number of double beds
  • Enh added new data type "separated" for the checkboxes.
  • Enh in backend, companies for administrators have the data type "separated".
  • Fix bugs fixed
    Check our Live DEMO

    Tuesday, February 05, 2019

    New version 3.0.2 of ApPHP Directy CMF has been released

    We're happy to announce that new version 3.0.2 of ApPHP Directy CMF has been released. ApPHP Directy CMF is an open-source content management framework (CMF), built on ApPHP MVC Framework that provides a basic functionality required for creating websites and publishing web content. There are many changes and improvements in this version, including new features.

    • New - added possibility clear session and cookies from Debug panel
    • New - added new vendor Bar Rating (jQuery Plugin for stars rating)
    • New - added possibility to define access permissions to controller actions via _accessRules() method
    • New - added possibility to define triggers in CGridView helper
    • New - added new assets DatetimePicker
    • New - added short time format for General > Site Settings > Local Settings
    • New - added possibility for new type of cache - data cache, changes in config file
    • New - added possibility to minify CSS and JS files via config file
    • New - added possibility to define 'defaultBackendDirectory' in config file
    • New - added jQuery Form Validator vendor for Backend and Frontend widgets
    • Enh - search settings separated in a special tab in General > Site Settings > Search Settings
    • Enh - updated jQuery to v1.11.0
    • Enh - changed General Settings in backend - added new tab Cache
    • Enh - changed in Website component
    • Enh - minimum requirements for PHP is defined as 5.4.0
    • Enh - changing currencies rate on changing default currency
    • Enh - on BO MailLog now shows also attachments that were sent
    • Fix - bugs fixed
     You can review all recent changes here.

    Saturday, January 05, 2019

    New version 1.2.2 of ApPHP MVC Framework is released

    A new version 1.2.2 of ApPHP MVC Framework was released.

    ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services. It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers.

    It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer.

    There are many changes and improvements in new version, including possibility to minify CSS and JS files via config file, _accessRules() method for Controllers etc. You can review all recent changes here.