The new version 4.2.2 of PHP DataGrid is available for downloading from here.
There are some changes in this version. Read carefully Getting Started.
Main additions and improvements:
1. * Feature: [added] new attributes for fields in view mode "tooltip" and "tooltip_type"
2. * Feature: [added] export to PDF (Provided by zewa666@gmail.com)
3 * Feature: [added] new language (pb) Brazilian Portuguese. Provided by Julio Formiga (form1ga@yahoo.com.br)
4. * Feature: [added] new attributes for fields in view/add/edit/details modes "visible"
5. * Feature: [added] cool DHTML/JavaScript Calendar (Provided by stephane.dekeyzer)
6. * Feature: [added] new attributes for date/time fields in add/edit mode "calendar_type"=>"popup|floating"
7. * Feature: [added] new icon in Control Panel - Refresh Pages (Provided by stephane.dekeyzer)
1. = Feature: [improved] fileAction() renamed in formAction() and placed in dg.js
2. = Feature: [improved] language files
3. = Feature: [improved] added security checking for arguments in download.php
4. = Feature: [improved] css style outputted in separated *.css files
5. = Feature: [improved] added [Clear] option for date/time field types
1. # Bug: [fixed] first letter upper case for header names
2. # Bug: [fixed] with LIMIT for Oracle and MSSQL in setSqlByDbType() method
3. # Bug: [fixed] with "title" attribute in view mode for links and linkbuttons
4. # Bug: [fixed] WYSIWYG doesn't work in Safari - added automatic detecting
and redefining textarea as simple type
5. # Bug: [fixed] in delete operation in edit mode
6. # Bug: [fixed] in listbox with multiple selection while uploading file or image
7. # Bug: [fixed] in debug mode in selectSQL() and executeSql() methods
8. # Bug: [fixed] sorting by date. Solution: using "sort_by" attribute, for sorting by needed field
9. # Bug: [fixed] with strtolower function for non-english letters
10. # Bug: [fixed] missing id attribute in some fields
11. # Bug: [fixed] error in FireFox on pagination event when more then 1 datagrid displayed om the screen
12. # Bug: [fixed] error on filtering when more then 1 datagrid displayed om the screen
13. # Bug: [fixed] in Firefox popup for "time" type field doesn't work
14. # Bug: [fixed] for non-numeric primary keys in multirow view
15. # Bug: [fixed] in setAutoColumnsInView/EditMode
16. # Bug: [fixed] with definition of "resizable" attribute for textarea
17. # Bug: [fixed] in getLcaseFooByDbType() method for pgsql
18. # Bug: [fixed] FF error: delete button (image) in edit mode wrong alignment
To view a Live Demo click here.
To download new version click here.