Friday, February 22, 2008

The new version 4.2.4 of PHP DataGrid - PHP 5 !!!

The new version 4.2.4 of PHP DataGrid is available for downloading from here.

There are some changes in this version. Read carefully Getting Started.

From This Version PHP DataGrid works with PHP 5 ONLY!!!

Main additions and improvements:

1. * Feature: [added] new css class "pink"
2. * Feature: [added] sequrity check for add/edit/delete records if this options was not allowed
3. * Feature: [added] abbility to change paging arrows by $paging_arrows = array()
4. * Feature: [added] new non-documented method: getCurrentId()
5. * Feature: [added] new non-documented property: mode_after_update
6. * Feature: [added] new language Turkish (tr), provided by: Murat HALACOGLU

1. = Feature: [improved] re-written with PHP 5
2. = Feature: [improved] added checking of maximal page size for possible hack tack
3. = Feature: [improved] css class "gray"
4. = Feature: [improved] column headers separated from other GataGrid link by css class a_header
5. = Feature: [improved] in addRow()added detecting of rid
6. = Feature: [improved] language files
7. = Feature: [improved] added alert if file or image was not uploaded before update

1. # Bug: [fixed] changed href='#' on href='javascript:void(0);'
2. # Bug: [fixed] in columns summarizing
3. # Bug: [fixed] in bind() on tabular layout for edit mode
4. # Bug: [fixed] column headers in tabular layout (edit mode)
5. # Bug: [fixed] in creating this->HTTP_URL data member
6. # Bug: [fixed] in radiobuttons_alignment for foreign keys
7. # Bug: [fixed] in setUrlStringPaging()
8. # Bug: [fixed] in getNextId() method
9. # Bug: [fixed] in getting default property value for add mode
10. # Bug: [fixed] in $this->combineUrl() for primary key with leading zeros


To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.