The new version 4.2.6 of PHP DataGrid is available for downloading from here.
There are some changes in this version. Read carefully Getting Started.
From Version 4.2.4 PHP DataGrid works with PHP 5 ONLY!!! If you still use PHP 4 - find old version in "php4" folder
Main additions and improvements:
1. * Feature: [added] new language Romanian(ro/ro_utf8), provided by: Rotter Robert
2. * Feature: [added] new attribute "width" in filtering fields
3. * Feature: [added] new method: allowExportingTypes();
4. * Feature: [added] abbility to use in Filtering "," to make a search by some words
5. * Feature: [added] new feature for textbox in filtering: AJAX autocomplete function (provided by Jordi Nin)
1. # Bug: [fixed] syntax error in css classes
2. # Bug: [fixed] in drawing tabular layout of filter drawing
3. # Bug: [fixed] error on Upper/Camel case in "field_data" attribute for "link" fields
4. # Bug: [fixed] in floatingToolTipsFieldExists() method
5. # Bug: [fixed] with "Back" button, when it was not allowed
6. # Bug: [fixed] with "Upload" link for images and files, when field defined as readonly.
7. # Bug: [fixed] error with numRows() method for oracle
8. # Bug: [fixed] in selectSqlItem() and executeSql()
9. # Bug: [fixed] with on_js_event attribute
To view a Live Demo click here.
To download new version click here.