PHP MicroCMS allows users with very little technical knowledge to build websites, as done by millions of bloggers on the web. PHP MicroCMS requires NO knowledge of HTML, although HTML can be used to enhance the pages by adding headings, images, hyperlinks or simply to emphasize text.
There are many changes and additions in this version:
• Feature: [added] Possibility delete images from Image gallery in WYSIWYG
• Feature: [added] New CSS templates (blue)
• Feature: [added] Added up/down feature for easy moving menu categories in Edit Menus
• Feature: [added] Possibility to switch site template to Left-To-Right/Right-to-Left from menu Settings in Admin Panel
• Feature: [added] Backup & Restore module in Admin Panel
• Feature: [added] Multilingual text processing (UTF-8). Possibility to create CMS in different languages
• Feature: [added] Table page structure re-done into DIV's structure
• Feature: [added] Added possibility to add link on pages in left or top menu
• Feature: [added] SEO optimized links for static pages, like: static_pages/34/how-to-write-in-php.html
• Improved functionality of some features
• Bugs fixed
To view a Live Demo click here.
To download new version click here.