The new version 6.0.8 of PHP DataGrid is available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features, like caching, drawing horizontal "barchart" fields, file extension icons etc. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. Read carefully
Getting Started.
Here the main additions and improvements:
* Feature: [added] possibility to show count of filter values in dropdown lists: "show_count"=>true
* Feature: [added] non-documented property initFilteringState = "closed|opened (default)"
* Feature: [added] caching feature for View mode
* Feature: [improved] removed `` from tables and fields names
* Feature: [improved] "checkbox" field in view mode: added attribute "readonly"=>"true|false"
* Feature: [improved] drawing horizontal "barchart" fields
* Feature: [improved] alignment for "money" fields
* Feature: [improved] "date_format" attribute for calendar filtering fields: added new type - datemdy (month-day-year)
* Feature: [improved] added file extension icon for uploaded files in add/edit/details modes
* Many bugs fixed
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