Saturday, September 18, 2010

New version 6.1.1 of ApPHP DataGrid Pro released

The new version 6.0.8 of PHP DataGrid is available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features like possibility to clone records, 3 PostBack methods - GET, POST and AJAX, caching for Details Mode, possibility to allow image and file types for uploading etc. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. Read carefully Getting Started.

Important note:
In new version method:
replaced with new method:
## *** defines postback submission method for DataGrid: AJAX, POST or GET(default)
$postback_method = "ajax";

Here the main additions and improvements:

* Feature: [added] new language added - Lithuanian(lt). Special thanks for Girmantas B.
* Feature: [added] new attribute for image|file fields "allowed_extensions"=>"", where allowed extensions may be written separated by commas
* Feature: [added] non-documented property "show_on_print" ="false|true(default)"
* Feature: [added] non-documented property "show_on_export" ="false|true(default)"
* Feature: [added] AJAX for details and Delete Mode operations
* Feature: [added] non-documented property "dtSeparator" for datetime fields
* Feature: [added] new type of multi-row operations: clone record
* Feature: [added] possibility to separate binding and displaying of datagrid by using Bind(false) and Show() methods
* Feature: [added] caching for Details Mode

* Feature: [improved] strips excess whitespace from View Mode SQL string
* Feature: [improved] error processing of 'sort_by' attribute for fields in View Mode
* Feature: [improved] working with md5 encrypted passwords
* Feature: [improved] debug mode output information
* Feature: [improved] SetDefaultFiltering() method works now with all field types
* Feature: [improved] debug mode output information for tabular layouts in Edit Mode (using virtual fields for sorting in View Mode)
* Feature: [improved] highlighting rows by mouse click - now it selects row by click on any empty place in row
* Feature: [improved] checking for vulnerability attacks
* Feature: [improved] drawing tables in PDF export module
* Feature: [improved] AllowAjax() method replaced with SetPostBackMethod(), that have 3 possible values: post, get or ajax
* Feature: [improved] improved translation for German, Croatian and Serbian languages. Special thanks for Kasumovic Mario.

* bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.