Important note:
In new version method:
replaced with new method:
## *** defines postback submission method for DataGrid: AJAX, POST or GET(default)
$postback_method = "ajax";
Here the main additions and improvements:
* Feature: [added] new language added - Lithuanian(lt). Special thanks for Girmantas B.
* Feature: [added] new attribute for image|file fields "allowed_extensions"=>"", where allowed extensions may be written separated by commas
* Feature: [added] non-documented property "show_on_print" ="false|true(default)"
* Feature: [added] non-documented property "show_on_export" ="false|true(default)"
* Feature: [added] AJAX for details and Delete Mode operations
* Feature: [added] non-documented property "dtSeparator" for datetime fields
* Feature: [added] new type of multi-row operations: clone record
* Feature: [added] possibility to separate binding and displaying of datagrid by using Bind(false) and Show() methods
* Feature: [added] caching for Details Mode
* Feature: [improved] strips excess whitespace from View Mode SQL string
* Feature: [improved] error processing of 'sort_by' attribute for fields in View Mode
* Feature: [improved] working with md5 encrypted passwords
* Feature: [improved] debug mode output information
* Feature: [improved] SetDefaultFiltering() method works now with all field types
* Feature: [improved] debug mode output information for tabular layouts in Edit Mode (using virtual fields for sorting in View Mode)
* Feature: [improved] highlighting rows by mouse click - now it selects row by click on any empty place in row
* Feature: [improved] checking for vulnerability attacks
* Feature: [improved] drawing tables in PDF export module
* Feature: [improved] AllowAjax() method replaced with SetPostBackMethod(), that have 3 possible values: post, get or ajax
* Feature: [improved] improved translation for German, Croatian and Serbian languages. Special thanks for Kasumovic Mario.
* bugs fixed
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To download new version click here.