Wednesday, March 09, 2011

New product - ApPHP DataGrid Wizard released!

ApPHP DataGrid Wizard - utility script for generating PHP DataGrid pages.

ApPHP DataGrid Wizard allows you easy creation of DataGrid pages. This operation does not require specific technical or programming knowledge.

All you need is to select a table, fields for the table, define the data type for each field and choose any other setting you need... In a few seconds you will get page with powerful and fully functional DataGrid component.

Here the main features:

* One-Year FREE Updates
* Installation module
* Multi-Language support
* Free DataGrid included
* Online Code Editor for pages
* Wizard for DataGrid pages
* Unlimited number of created pages
* Multi-Database support
* Multi-Browser support
* Multi-Language support
* Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

New version 2.3.1 of ApPHP MicroBlog was released

The new version 2.3.1 of ApPHP MicroBlog script was released and available now for downloading. There are many new additions and improvements in this version.

ApPHP MicroBlog (ApPHP MicroB) is very simple and powerful PHP blog software. This product enables you to start your own blog within minutes. You can easy add and manage your posts and posting categories.

Here the main additions and improvements:

* Feature: [added] possibility for admin to define datetime format: General -> Settings -> Formatting
* Feature: [added] author avatar at the end of post and comments
* Feature: [added] possibility to define which part of AdSense blocks is active: Modules -> AdSense Settings
* Feature: [added] possibility for authors to change a date of created post
* Feature: [added] smart caching of pages: General -> Settings -> General Settings :: Caching
* Feature: [added] possibility for admin to define php mailer: General -> Settings -> General Settings :: Mailer
* Feature: [added] new embedded template - Black-Coffee
* Feature: [improved] processing of special characters in search module
* Feature: [improved] check for maximum length of META tags for posts
* Feature: [improved] possibility to change priority order for categories - added navigation with arrows
* Feature: [improved] Comments module - added possibility for user to delete his own comments
* Feature: [improved] work with {holder} in email templates
* Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

New versiuon 3.3.2 of ApPHP AdminPanel Pro was released.

The new version 3.0.6 of PHP AdminPanel Pro is available now for downloading. There are many bugs fixed and also Many NEW additions and improvements. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. All recent changes can be viewed here.

Check here our Tour and Screenshots!

And new DataGrid Pages Wizard Online DEMO

The Features:
• Feature: [added] sending notification email for admins and users on changing email by main admin
• Feature: [added] added new Module - Gallery : Admin Tools -> Gallery
• Feature: [added] sending email on admin/user account created event
• Feature: [added] sending email on admin/user password changed event
• Feature: [added] possibility to define filtering fields in DataGrid Wizard
• Feature: [added] possibility to define additional attributes for "textarea", "file" and "image" fields in Edit Mode of DataGrid Wizard
• Feature: [added] Action Required alert panel on Home Page
• Feature: [added] possibility to hide/open category panes on Home Page
• Feature: [added] possibility to define foreign key fields in DataGrid Wizard
• Feature: [added] support for SQLite
• Bugs fixed
• etc.

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download latest version click here.