Thursday, May 19, 2011

New version 3.1.1 of ApPHP Tabs Pro was released.

The new version 3.0.1 of ApPHP Tabs Pro (AJAX Enabled) is available for downloading from here.

The ApPHP Tabs is a simple PHP script that generates multilevel tab menu control which consists of nice-looking tabs. It may be useful for web developers who appreciate their time and do not want to waste it on boring work but instead focus on really challenging tasks. It takes you only few seconds to add or remove a tab. You can use the script to organize your website navigation system. It was written according to object-oriented principles and is very simple to install, implement, use and modify.

Here are the main changes and additions in this version:

* Feature: [added] possibility to use an anchor to navigate to tabs object after a tab is clicked
* Feature: [improved] security functions
* Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New version 3.3.8 of apPHP Calendar Pro was released!

The new version 3.3.8 of ApPHP Calendar Pro is available now for downloading. There are some bugs fixed and also many additions and improvements. This version allows new installation or updating, if you work with one of previous.

Here the main additions and improvements:

* Feature: [added] selecting of actual day in List View
* Feature: [added] possibility to export events from selected period of time in .CSV format
* Feature: [added] possibility to store images in description of event, by using tag via WYSIWYG
* Feature: [added] days coloring in Yearly View, depending on the number of events
* Feature: [added] floating tooltips instead of standard for events in all views
* Feature: [added] new type of daily events view - "block"
* Feature: [added] possibility to send email notifications for users assigned to events with SendNotifications()
* Feature: [added] non-documented property "userDataSaveType" that specifies a mathod of saving user's data: session or cookie
* Feature: [added] possibility to define new type of repeated events: Weekly or Monthly
* Feature: [improved] functionality of SetMonthlySmallLinks() method
* Feature: [improved] retrieving sub-string for non-english text
* Feature: [improved] language translation procedure
* Feature: [improved] possibility to users to only work with their events by using SetUserID() method

* Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To play with a Showcase click here.

To download new version click here.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

New version of PHP DataGrid 6.7.5 was released

The new version 6.7.5 of PHP DataGrid is available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features, like working with alias in filtering, maximal records for adding, improved styles etc. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. Read carefully Getting Started.

Here the main additions and improvements:
* non-documented property: maximumAllowedRecords = "100";
* non-documented attribute for fields in filtering mode : "table_alias"=>""
* new attribute for filtering fields: "order_by_field"=>"", attribute "order" changed into "order_type"=>""
* "header_tooltip" and "header_tooltip_type" added to Add/Edit/Details modes
* Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.