Thursday, June 30, 2011

The new version 3.2.2 of PHP DataForm Pro was released

The new version 3.2.2 of PHP DataForm Pro is available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features like possibility to use customized layouts, email notification on successful insertion etc. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. Read carefully Getting Started.

Here the main additions and improvements:

* Feature: [added] automatically added attributes for='' for radio buttons and checkboxes
* Feature: [added] non-documented method GetLastInsertId()
* Feature: [added] datetime icon on toolbar of WYSIWYG editor that allows to insert a current time
* Feature: [added] possibility to define Math Captcha - added new type of captcha
* Feature: [added] new embedded style "custom-x"
* Feature: [added] possibility to work with PDO extension
* Feature: [added] added new Mode - "Edit" via SetModes() and SetEditRid()
* Feature: [added] non-documented method SetAnchor()
* Feature: [added] non-documented method SetFormAction() that allows to redefine FORM action attribute
Feature: [added] possibility to display javascript error in popup or div container: SetJsErrorsSettings()

* Feature: [improved] minor changes in css styles
* Feature: [improved] updated Securimage captcha component - v2.0
* Feature: [improved] syntax of all DataForm function - added prefix _df
* Feature: [improved] updated jQuary module v1.4.2
* Feature: [improved] code syntax for compare empty strings
* Feature: [improved] code syntax for DataSource() method - old syntax still supported
* Feature: [improved] language translations

* bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Monday, June 13, 2011

New version 3.3.0 of ApPHP Hotel Site was released.

The new version 3.3.0 of ApPHP Hotel Site script is available now for downloading. There are some bugs fixed and many new additions and improvements.

ApPHP Hotel Site is a powerful hotel management and on-line reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse.

Here the main additions and improvements:

* Feature: [added] possibility to embed new module's tag into pages: {module:rooms}
* Feature: [added] possibility to customer to delete posted comments
* Feature: [added] added new status for booking - "Refunded", old status "Pending" renamed into "Reserved"
* Feature: [added] groups for customers and possibility to send mass mail by customer groups
* Feature: [added] new layout for pages in Add/Edit mode
* Feature: [added] possibility to define 3 types of registration confirmation: none, by email, by admin
* Feature: [added] possibility to see rooms availability by all rooms or single room: Booking Management -> Rooms Availability
* Feature: [added] possibility to update vocabulary from uploaded file
* Feature: [added] popular search
* Feature: [added] possibility to preview site for admin without log off

* Feature: [improved] defining price - added possibility to define price for one day
* Feature: [improved] reservation email - added more information about customer
* Feature: [improved] admin reservation - added possibility to assign customer to such reservations
* Feature: [improved] prepayment option - added possibility to define prepayment in percents or first night
* Feature: [improved] possibility for admin to make reservation - now without collecting credit card info

* Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.