Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New version 3.6.0 of ApPHP ShoppingCart was released

The new version 3.6.0 of ApPHP Shopping Cart script is available now for downloading. There are some bugs fixed and many new additions and improvements.

ApPHP Shopping Cart is a PHP/MySQL open-source e-commerce system. It is a fully customizable shopping cart, specially designed for web. ApPHP Shopping Cart allows visitors to collect items in a virtual shopping cart over multiple product web pages without losing the items ordered.

Here the main additions and improvements:
Version 3.6.0

* Feature: [added] possibility to update vocabulary from the language file
* Feature: [added] customer block for registration and comments by IP and email
* Feature: [added] possibility to define Cron Jobs : Batch/Non-batch
* Feature: [added] possibility to define American/European money format via General -> Settings -> Price Format
* Feature: [added] possibility to search in News
* Feature: [added] possibility to define via Products Catalog -> Catalog Settings number of products that could be displayed on page
* Feature: [added] possibility to define via Products Catalog -> Catalog Settings displaying of Manufacturers side block
* Feature: [added] possibility to define view type for Manufacturers: dropdown box or list
* Feature: [added] possibility to define and show on Home Page featured products
* Feature: [added] new payment processing company - Authorize.Net

* Feature: [improved] caching feature
* Feature: [improved] admins management page
* Feature: [improved] Securimage module updated to v.2.0 BETA
* Feature: [improved] JavaScript function syntax - added prefix "app"
* Feature: [improved] removing of customer account procedure
* Feature: [improved] Action Required feature for Home Page in Admin Panel
* Feature: [improved] General -> Visual Settings - added possibility to apply changes to all pages
* Feature: [improved] datetime formatting for all pages via General -> Visual Settings [Date Format:]
* Feature: [improved] creating RSS file

* Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

New version 3.1.0 of ApPHP MicroBlog was released

The new version 3.1.0 of ApPHP MicroBlog script was released and available now for downloading. There are many new additions and improvements in this version.

ApPHP MicroBlog (ApPHP MicroB) is very simple and powerful PHP blog software. This product enables you to start your own blog within minutes. You can easy add and manage your posts and posting categories.

Here the main additions and improvements:

* Feature: [added] Categories and Archive pages added to system caching
* Feature: [added] new module Polls
* Feature: [added] more personal info for author: birth day
* Feature: [added] 2 types of video gallery: RokBox and Videobox
* Feature: [added] 2 types of WYSIWYG editor: openWYSIWYG and TinyMCE
* Feature: [added] possibility to update vocabulary via uploaded file
* Feature: [added] possibility to define a number of posts on category page
* Feature: [added] block comments by user IP and email address
* Feature: [added] possibility to define timezone for the blog via General -> Site Settings
* Feature: [added] possibility to disable image verification on comments via Modules -> Comments Settings
* Feature: [added] possibility for admin to resend activation email for authors

* Feature: [improved] common functionality of site engine
* Feature: [improved] Gallery Module - common changes
* Feature: [improved] category name length increased up to 40 characters
* Feature: [improved] optimized Login class
* Feature: [improved] procedure against CSRF attacks
* Feature: [improved] search procedure - added popular search feature
* Feature: [improved] drawing of Resources module
* Feature: [improved] drawing of templates for right-to-left languages
* Feature: [improved] SEO link format for Tag links
* Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.