Tuesday, March 06, 2012

New product ApPHP Medical Appointment was released

ApPHP Medical Appointment is online doctor, therapist appointment and medical clinic site PHP script.

This Appointment System is an application for handling doctors appointments. It enables patients to book an appointment using web-based interface, and administrator of the clinic is able to approve/reject the appointment.

Site visitors can perform search by doctor specialty and/or doctor name, view doctor availability and book appointments. Administrator can view and manage the appointments.

Site Visitors:
- choose a specialization
- choose a doctor form the list
- clicking the date and time for an appointment
- enter personal information
- can browse through doctors profile and read information regarding their specialty

- manage specialization
- manage doctors
- manage doctors schedules
- manage doctors time offs
- manage appointments
- appointments statistics

To see a  LIVE DEMO click here.

Monday, March 05, 2012

New version 7.4.9 of ApPHP DataGrid was released.

The new version 7.4.9 of ApPHP DataGrid was released and available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. Please read carefully Getting Started.

The goal of ApPHP DataGrid script is to simplify the generation and editing of DataGrid pages for web developers. It is a fully functional, outstanding open source PHP control.

Here the main additions and improvements:
  • Feature: [added] non-documented property addBackQuotes, that enclose table and field names with backquotes
  • Feature: [added] translation for Korean language
  • Feature: [added] allowed using of some languages for different DataGrids on one page
  • Feature: [improved] check for valid name of unique prefix - only alphanumeric characters are permitted
  • Feature: [improved] word wrapping for textarea long texts in Details Mode (for IE)
  • Feature: [improved] translation for Greek. Special thanks to Aris Lazaridis.
  • Feature: [improved] hideGridBeforeSearch feature - reduced running time and removed exporting icons before searching
  • Feature: [improved] using of special symbols for date separator in "popup" calendars
  • Feature: [improved] syntax for $dgrid->SetModes() - removed "cancel"=>array()
  • Feature: [improved] errors messaging for PDO extension
  • Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

The new version 2.3.0 of ApPHP Business directory was released.

The new version 2.3.0 of ApPHP Business Directory is available for downloading from here.

ApPHP Business Directory is a simple, but powerful Business Directory solution. This script allows to add categories, then associate added businesses to these categories. You may also add business profiles including basic business contact info, business description, website link, e-mail contact, categories, map links etc. ApPHP Business Directory was developed in OOP and allows you to build business directory website in a few minutes and then easy add and edit the content.

Here are the main changes and additions in this version:
  • Feature: [added] new module: AdSense
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define a Map Code for listings
  • Feature: [added] possibility for admin to change customers password: Modules -> Customers Settings -> Admin Changes User Password
  • Feature: [added] notification for admin when new user registered
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define a maximum length for displaying listing name in side blocks
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define whether listing may be viewed by all visitors or just by registered customers
  • Feature: [added] possibility to create Advertise Plans for listings with different features
  • Feature: [improved] working with Sessions
  • Feature: [improved] customers registration procedure - added sending emails on admin approval
  • Feature: [improved] some settings for Customers Modules
  • Feature: [improved] sending email to customer after approval of listing
  • Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.