Thursday, February 21, 2013

We have released new product - ApPHP MVC Framework!

Hi there! We've released our new product - ApPHP MVC Framework. ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services.

It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer.

Choosing ApPHP MVC Framework allows you to release your applications earlier, host and scale them without problem, and maintain them over time with easy.

To download this script follow the link:

To review DEMO sites, built on the framework:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The new version 3.0.1 of ApPHP Business Directory has been released.

The new version 3.0.1 of ApPHP Business Directory is available for downloading from here.

ApPHP Business Directory is a simple, but powerful Business Directory solution. This script allows to add categories, then associate added businesses to these categories. You may also add business profiles including basic business contact info, business description, website link, e-mail contact, categories, map links etc. ApPHP Business Directory was developed in OOP and allows you to build business directory website in a few minutes and then easy add and edit the content.

Here are the main changes and additions in this version:
  • Feature: [added] new module: Inquiries
  • Feature: [added] new module: Ratings
  • Feature: [added] advanced search option
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define a number of shown sub-categories on home page
  • Feature: [added] possibility to create Inquiry Form widget
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define decimal points for each currency separately
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define hidden menus in Menus and Pages -> Menus Management
  • Feature: [added] possibility to add watermark to listing images
  • Feature: [improved] updated Sessions class
  • Feature: [improved] Listings - added possibility to define location and sub-location for each listing
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in listing description page layout
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in Search class
  • Feature: [improved] added credit card holder name for On-line Orders
  • Feature: [improved] Footer Text in General -> Visual Settings changed from required to optional field
  • Bugs fixed

To view a Live Demo click here.