Sunday, August 04, 2013

New version 3.9.4 of ApPHP MicroCMS has been released

We are happy to announce that new update for ApPHP MicroCMS was released and available now for downloading.

PHP MicroCMS (PHP MCMS) is a simple, but very powerful Content Management System that everyone can use. This script can be installed easily by web developers, webmasters, graphic designers, etc. PHP MCMS was developed in OOP and allows you to build websites in a few minutes and then easy add and edit the content.

Last changes for v3.9.4:
  • Feature: [added] possibility to use WYSIWYG editor for email templates: General -> Site Settings -> Email Settings
  • Feature: [added] possibility to generate username and password for new admins and users
  • Feature: [added] new "imageupload" plugin for TinyMCE editor
  • Feature: [added] possibility to enter HTML tags in banners text
  • Feature: [added] possibility to define items numeration in albums
  • Feature: [added] new module Testimonials
  • Feature: [added] new module FeaturedContent
  • Feature: [added] highlighting for search word in result text
  • Feature: [added] week start day to DateTime settings
  • Feature: [added] possibility to force SSL connection
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in homepage alerts texts
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in printing admin panel pages
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in file
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in General -> Site Settings -> Visual Settings
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes on User Control Panel
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes on email templates
  • Feature: [improved] pagination feature for large amount of records in MicroGrid component
  • Feature: [improved] openWYSIWYG removed from the script
  • Feature: [improved] procedure of drawing menus
  • Bugs fixed

LIVE DEMO of the latest version can be viewed here.

To download UPDATE for registered users click here.