Monday, December 28, 2015

New version 1.1.6 of ApPHP WebsiteCleaner is released

This script is a very simple and fast utility allows you to clean your website from unneeded files and from malware inclusions. It runs throw the specified directory on your server and performs the defined tasks: finds unneeded or infected files.


  • Finds and removes PHP code infections
  • Finds and removes HTML infections
  • Finds and removes JavaScript infections
  • Searches for changed files
  • Finds and removes cache files
  • Finds and removes other unneeded files
To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Friday, December 25, 2015

New version 0.7.7 of ApPHP MVC Framework is released

ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services. It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer. There are many changes and improvements in new version, including new helpers, such as Geo Locator or PDF Creator You can review all recent changes here.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Is it always necessary to use "is_array()" before a foreach?

Many times I see a code, that fails because of one simple and very common programmer mistake.
Programmers often use variabled in foreach() construction without validation before.

This mistake may leads to unstable work of your code.
It must be a "golden" rule of every PHP programmer to always use a validation of  variable before running foreach() construction.

You may do it in few ways:

1. Direct validation:
if(is_array($users))   {
    foreach($users as $user){


2. Casting (not recommended, you know why, right?):
foreach((array)$users as $user){


such way is better, but still...:
$users = (array)$users;
foreach($users as $user){


3. Your own function for handling such cases:
function actionHandelingUsers($users)
        throw new Exception('$users must be an array');

    foreach($users as $user){

Ok, but sometimes I hear a following argument: my function is always returns an array, why do I need to perform a validation?

The answer is simple: there is no always in programming - what if I decide to change yuor function output? What will be with yuor code after the function will return TRUE instead of array()? You know, right - your code will crash...

The same answer about  using of empty() instead of is_array(): empty() doesn't check if the value is array... , so you may not use it in this case.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

New version 4.3.9 of ApPHP Hotel Site script has been released

The new version 4.3.9 of ApPHP Hotel Site script has been released is available now for
downloading. There are some bugs fixed and many new additions and improvements, including new paid template.

ApPHP Hotel Site is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. Our hotel reservation system allows you to start online reservation and customer management in minutes. It has been specially designed to simplify the task of hotel booking online.

Here the main additions and improvements in the last version:
Feature: [added] possibility to define separate payment gateways for hotels
Feature: [added] added MySQLi database driver
Feature: [added] possibility to allow using separate payment gateways for each hotel
Feature: [added] possibility to show checkin/checkout info on dashboard

Feature: [improved] css changes for rtl template for lytebox
Feature: [improved] structure of the core classes
Feature: [improved] removed option All Rooms from occupancy calendar for multiple hotels
Feature: [improved] installation wizard
Feature: [improved] syntax changes in PHP code and optimizations
Feature: [improved] security fixes in room prices and availability pages

Bugs fixed 
To view a Live Demo click here.

To download new version click here.

Friday, June 12, 2015

New version 4.0.1 of ApPHP MicroBlog has been released

We've released new version 4.0.1 of ApPHP MicroBlog. ApPHP MicroBlog (ApPHP MicroB) is very simple and powerful PHP blog software. This product enables you to start your own blog within minutes. You can easy add and manage your posts and posting categories. This script is perfect for web designers and developers that want to empower their site and save the time on editing web pages every time they want to add more news. The script is very flexible, it written in object-oriented style and allows web developers easy change it to suit their needs.

Download the latest version.

You may also check our templates for this script, including responsive templates from our partner

Version 4.0.1 changes (May 16, 2015):

  • New script redone with full MVC structure based on ApPHP Directy CMF
  • New added author role and privileges
  • Enh functionality of adding tags to post with xoxco component
  • Fix bugs fixed

Friday, May 29, 2015

New version of Directy CMF 2.5.3 has been released

We're happy to announce that new version 2.5.3 of Directy CMF has been released.

The Directy CMF makes it easier for developers to add CMS functionality to applications built with the ApPHP MVC framework. Key development principles for the provided set of bundles are modularity, usability, documentation and intuitive coding.

This framework is intended to be easily customizable, in terms of both the types of content used and the policies and services it provides. It allows to you extend the functionality of the base application with writing your own independent modules.

Last changes:

  • New added table "rss_channels" and changed some RSS settings on General > Site Settings page
  • New added directory with file mimetype icons in templates/backend/images/
  • New added possibility to perform search on the whole site or by separate modules
  • New added new vendor Tags Input (jQuery Plugin)
  • New added possibility to define 3 types of WYSIWYG: simplest, simple and advanced (default)
  • New added new feature Ban Lists that allows to ban by IP, username or email
  • Enh added field "property_length" for module properties
  • Enh added field "personal_information" to table "admins"
  • Enh changed placement for view file of components to protected/views/components/
  • Enh added autofocus on backend login page
  • Enh added possibility to activate/deactivate frontend menus
  • Enh added helpers option to main configuration file
  • Enh added 'lifetime' parameter for session settings in configuration file
  • Enh improved description of errors on Error 500 page
  • Enh improved Remember Me algorithm
  • Enh added new privileges - View Modules Management and Edit Modules Management
  • Enh improved Notification Feature on Dashboard
  • Fix bugs fixed

To download this script follow the link:

To review DEMO sites, built on the framework:

New version 0.6.9 of ApPHP MVC Framework is released

ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services. It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer. There are many changes and improvements in new version. You can review all recent changes here.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

New module Banners has been released for Directy CMF

We're happy to announce that new module Banners for Directy CMF has been released.

The Banners Module allows administrator to upload images for banner and display them in banner slider on the site or inside specific pages. This module is already prepared for multilingual sites. Installation and usage of this module are very simple and intuitive.

You may find more information here: Banners Module and
also check it on our Live Demo.

Monday, February 16, 2015

We have released new product ApPHP Survey!

We're happy to announce that new script ApPHP Survey was released. This script is a fully featured web solution allows non-technical users to create create surveys and polls, send them to anyone, administer them, gather results, and view statistics, all managed online after database initialization.

There is no restriction in the number of surveys and polls, with a single installation users can add and manage polls unlimited. Do you need a lightweight surveys & poll script with back-end admin panel and auto-installation script? This is exactly what are you looking for!

With this script you can provide votes and polls system on your website or send it to your clients. Your visitors select one or more options and click the submit button to vote.


  • Unlimited number of surveys at the same time
  • Unlimited number of questions in a survey (only limited by your database)
  • Unlimited number of participants to a survey
  • 18 different question types with more to come
  • Basic statistical and graphical analysis with export facility
  • Export participants and survey statistics
  • Anonymous and Not-Anonymous survey
  • Optional public registration for surveys
  • Sending of survey results by email
  • Extended and user-friendly administration interface
  • Multiple selection questions allowed
  • Back-office data entry possibility
You may download the script from here: Download Script 
Also, please check our Live Demo

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

New version of Directy CMF 2.4.9 has been released

We're happy to announce that new version 2.4.9 of Directy CMF has been released.

The Directy CMF makes it easier for developers to add CMS functionality to applications built with the ApPHP MVC framework. Key development principles for the provided set of bundles are modularity, usability, documentation and intuitive coding.

This framework is intended to be easily customizable, in terms of both the types of content used and the policies and services it provides. It allows to you extend the functionality of the base application with writing your own independent modules.

Last changes:

  • Enh added new parameter in FrontendMenu component
  • Enh updated setup module to v0.0.9
  • Enh minor changes in Backend styling
  • Enh added possibility to install system modules from Modules Management page
  • Fix bugs fixed

To download this script follow the link:

To review DEMO sites, built on the framework:

Friday, January 09, 2015

New version 0.5.9 of ApPHP MVC Framework has been released.

We've released next version 0.5.9 of our new product - ApPHP MVC Framework. ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services.

It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer.

Choosing ApPHP MVC Framework allows you to release your applications earlier, host and scale them without problem, and maintain them over time with easy.

Last changes:

  • New added new helper CArray
  • Enh added translation into Hebrew
  • Enh in CActiveRecords added new method updateByPk
  • Enh in CActiveRecords findByPk() returns object instead of array
  • Enh in CActiveRecords added new method refresh() and improved method count()
  • Enh in CActiveRecords added new method sum()
  • Enh in CActiveRecords improved method count()
  • Enh minor changes in CGridView, CBreadCrumbs, CValidator, CDataForm
  • Enh minor changes in CDatabase db class
  • Enh added new method updateAll in CActiveRecords
  • Enh minor changes in CDebug core class
  • Enh minor changes in CHttpRequest
  • Enh minor changes in CHttpSession component
  • Enh minor changes in CMenu, CValidator helpers
  • Enh minor changes in CLanguageSelector
  • Enh minor changes in CFile in copy folder permissions
  • Enh minor changes in CConfig collection class
  • Fix bugs fixed

To download this script follow the link:

To review DEMO sites, built on the framework: