Saturday, December 24, 2016

New version 2.7.2 of Directy CMF is released.

We're happy to announce that new version 2.7.2 of Directy CMF has been released.

The Directy CMF makes it easier for developers to add CMS functionality to applications built with the ApPHP MVC framework. Key development principles for the provided set of bundles are modularity, usability, documentation and intuitive coding.

This framework is intended to be easily customizable, in terms of both the types of content used and the policies and services it provides. It allows to you extend the functionality of the base application with writing your own independent modules.

Last changes:
  • New added possibility to see advanced domain statistics in General / Site Settings / Site Info
  • New added feature "mailing log" - possibility to log all outgoing emails
  • New added Social Networks and Social Login management, possibility to login with social networks
  • New added possibility to save Google API Key for maps General / Site Settings / Mapping APIs Settings
  • New added new vendor Morris (pretty time-series line graphs)
  • New added new vendor Toastr (jQuery Plugin for popup alerts)
  • New added possibility to detect and use last visited page
  • New added detection of min. required version of framework for module installation
  • New added possibility to define shortcodes as {module:name|id}
  • Enh changes in Currencies model
  • Enh blocking unauthorized access to non-logged users
  • Enh javascript files, css and images excluded from rule rewrites
  • Enh added README files for each JS vendor
  • Fix - bugs fixed

To download this script follow the link:

To review DEMO sites, built on the framework:

Saturday, December 17, 2016

New version 0.9.0 of ApPHP MVC Framework is released

ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services. It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer. There are many changes and improvements in new version, including new helpers, such as MobileDetect helper, login via LinkedIn Strategy, PHPMailer changes etc. You can review all recent changes here.

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Discount 55% Off! - Special 2016 End of Year Sale Offer for ApPHP Members

Hi, everyone, here 2016 End of Year Sales!
Enjoy with a 55% Offer till 31 December 2016 23:59 ONLY!
Coupon Code: 2016-ENDY-2K6J-OZCM

Enter this coupon code on checkout page and discount will be automatically applied to yuor order.

Valid on:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

New version 2.4.3 of uHotelBooking is released

The new version 2.4.3 of uHotelBooking script has been released. uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. In the new version we added support for REST API module, responsive template for admin panel etc.
uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. Our hotel reservation system allows you to start online reservation and customer management in minutes. It has been specially designed to simplify the task of hotel booking online. Administrator can manage room types, hotel rates and booking options. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes invoices and reports functionality. Visitors of Hotel Site will be able to search rooms availability with an online booking reservation system. They also could view rooms inventory, check availability and book reservations in a real-time.

Version 2.4.3 changes
      • New added possibility to define default contact email and phone and hide hotels contact info
      • New added RTL support to Invoice PDF
      • New integration widget for Car Rental module
      • New rooms visitors counter
      • New block last bookings on homepage and in Customer Account Panel
      • New possibility to define price according to amount of guests
      • New new module Affiliates Management
      • New support for REST API module
      • New new responsive template for Admin Panel (LTR/RTL)
      • New a new type of users regional manager
      • New the ability to add customers for the hotel owner
      • New new menu display style in the admin panel - horizontal or vertical
      • New new tab to set Google Maps Key
      • Enh added customer/admin information on bookings edit/description page
      • Enh allowed sending mass mails by customer preferred language (if template selected)
      • Enh fields validation for empty on Rooms Search forms
      • Enh cancellation feature - from allowed cancellation of pending orders
      • Enh added translation for FAQ module
      • Enh expanded opportunities to work with inactive hotels in the admin panel
      • Fix Bugs fixed
        Check our Live DEMO

        Monday, September 12, 2016

        New version 4.0.0 of ApPHP Shopping Cart is released

        New version 4.0.0 of ApPHP Shopping Cart has been released and available now for downloading. This absolutely new script, based on ApPHP MVC Framework with many improvements and new features, like: adding to favorites, adding to comparison, new custom fields for products: color, weight, dimensions etc.All recent changes can be viewed here.

        The script provides all necessary features including multi-currency and multi-language support. Visitors may view the contents of their shopping cart at any time and may add or delete items as needed. The program automatically calculates the subtotal, shipping charges, and total price. When a visitor decides to checkout, the order information is collected in database a receipt is sent to the shopper.

        Sunday, August 21, 2016

        New version 1.1.2 of ApPHP Directy CMF FREE edition is released

        We're happy to announce that new free edition of ApPHP Directy CMF is released. There many additions and changes. ApPHP Directy CMF is an open-source content management framework (CMF), built on ApPHP MVC Framework that provides a basic functionality required for creating websites and publishing web content. You can review all recent changes here.

        Saturday, August 20, 2016

        50% discount - 2016 Year 10th Birthday celebration

        Hi, everyone, this 2016 Year is our 10th Birthday Celebration!
        Enjoy with a 50% Offer till 31 August 2016 ONLY!
        COUPON CODE: 2016-BDAY-TRQG-M41Z

        Valid on:

        Sunday, August 14, 2016

        New responsive template released for Hotel Site script.

        We've released new responsive template for Hotel Site script.
        You may see it in action here: New Responsive Template.

        Hotel Site is hotel management, reservation and online booking system for all types of accommodations and hotel operations.


        X-Soho Responsive Template for ApPHP Hotel Site

        • Version: 0.0.1
        • Layout: 2 Column Responsive
        • Direction: Left-to-Right
        • Menus: Left, Bottom
        • Compatibility: ApPHP Hotel Site v4.4.0 or later
        • License: ApPHP Template license v1.0
        • Delivery Type: Download link
        • Price: $44.90

        Your comments are welcome.

        Friday, July 22, 2016

        New version 0.8.3 of ApPHP MVC Framework is released

        ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services. It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer. There are many changes and improvements in new version, including new helpers, such as Geo Locator or PDF Creator You can review all recent changes here.

        Thursday, June 02, 2016

        New version 2.3.6 of uHotelBooking is released

        The new version 2.2.6 of uHotelBooking script has been released. uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. In the new version added support for MySQLi, checkin/checkout info on dashboard, security fixes in room prices , etc.

        uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. Our hotel reservation system allows you to start online reservation and customer management in minutes. It has been specially designed to simplify the task of hotel booking online. Administrator can manage room types, hotel rates and booking options. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes invoices and reports functionality. Visitors of Hotel Site will be able to search rooms availability with an online booking reservation system. They also could view rooms inventory, check availability and book reservations in a real-time.

        Version 2.3.6 changes
          • New added possibility to work with travel agencies
          • New added possibility to pay with balance (for travel agencies)
          • New added possibility to define and use separate gateways for each hotel
          • New added possibility to manage separately admins, hotel owners and car agency owners
          • New added possibility to define number of months that will be shown on room occupancy tab
          • New added possibility to define different types of properties
          • New added new module Reviews
          • Enh added possibility to complete payment for partially paid booking
          • Enh added RTL availability to current template (according to selected language)
          • Enh MySQL db drivers replaced with MySQLi
          • Enh drawing hotel information on side blocks
          • Enh Admin Panel > Bookings Management page
          • Enh in site search added search by hotel name and description
          • Enh changed color for not available rooms on availability calendar
          • Fix Bugs fixed
          Check our Live DEMO

          Friday, May 06, 2016

          New version of Directy CMF 2.6.2 has been released

          We're happy to announce that new version 2.6.2 of Directy CMF has been released.

          The Directy CMF makes it easier for developers to add CMS functionality to applications built with the ApPHP MVC framework. Key development principles for the provided set of bundles are modularity, usability, documentation and intuitive coding.

          This framework is intended to be easily customizable, in terms of both the types of content used and the policies and services it provides. It allows to you extend the functionality of the base application with writing your own independent modules.

          Last changes:
          • New - jQuery Modal and Browser.Mobile plugins
          • New - jQuery plugin Chosen (Select Box Enhancer)
          • New - added possibility to create cron jobs in each module by creating Model::cron()
          • New - added payment providers management
          • New - added possibility to allow output compression with gzip
          • Enh - added possibility to define exclusions for CSRF protection on controller-level
          • Enh - minor changes in backend style
          • Enh - added search by text in Email Templates in BO
          • Enh - added autocomplete in filter section of Countries Management
          • Enh - changes in logic of rendering default view in IndexController
          • Enh - added possibility on account login to check multiple roles
          • Enh - minor changes in FrontendMenu and Locations main view
          • Enh - upgraded jQuery to 1.9.1
          • Fix - bugs fixed

          To download this script follow the link:

          To review DEMO sites, built on the framework:

          Thursday, April 28, 2016

          New version 2.1.1 of uAutoDelers script is released

          uAutoDealers is one of the best one-size-fits-all solutions for any car dealer who are looking to bring their business online. This script is the fully functional PHP solution that allows to create infinite pages for listings, easily modify data fields, and customize your services to suit your needs. This PHP based classifieds system and inventory software is endlessly customizable and easy to maintain. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes all processes and reports functionality. Visitors of Auto Dealers will be able to search vehicle listings online, place their price bids/offers, contact vehicle owner and do many other operations. They also could view vehicle description, images, videos, check a list of damages etc. Listing owner has a complete control on listings in a real-time.

          Sunday, April 03, 2016

          New version 2.2.6 of uHotelBooking is released

          The new version 2.2.6 of uHotelBooking script has been released. uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. In the new version added support for MySQLi, checkin/checkout info on dashboard, security fixes in room prices , etc.

          Version 2.2.6 changes
          • New added MySQLi database driver
          • New checkin/checkout info on dashboard
          • Enh translation for some texts
          • Enh removed option All Rooms from ocupancy calendar for multiple hotels
          • Enh security fixes in room prices and availability pages
          • Enh banners management from Admin Panel - now allowed placement in different pages
          • Fix Bugs fixed

          Thursday, January 14, 2016

          New PHP tutorials were added on our site

          New tutorials were added in PHP Tutorials section on our site.

          They recommended both for beginners and advanced PHP programmers.

          1. Loops in PHP - understanding loops in PHP

          When using php as your programming language, it is often required that you want your codes to be executed again and again for number of times. This is where PHP loops comes handy. PHP provides 3 different types of loops to handle your requirements.

          2. Creational Design Patterns in PHP

          In this tutorial we'll discuss about the creational patterns, that aim to separate a system from how its objects are created, composed, and represented. They increase the system's flexibility in terms of the what, who, how, and when of object creation. Let's check this idea in details.

          Fell free to leave your comments and suggestions.