Saturday, December 02, 2017

Discount 50% Off! - Special 2017 End of Year Sale Offer for ApPHP Members

Hi, everyone, here 2017 End of Year Sales!
Enjoy with a 50% Offer till 31 December 2017 23:59 ONLY!
Coupon Code: 2017-FFFI-TSGZ-WASJ

Enter this coupon code on checkout page and discount will be automatically applied to yuor order.

Valid on:

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

New version 2.2.3 of ApPHP Restaurant Site is released

The new version 2.2.3 of ApPHP Restaurant Site has been released and available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features, like: menu footer text, catering management from Backend, changes in core of the script etc. This version has 2 installation options: new and update for previous version. All recent changes can be viewed here.

ApPHP Restaurant Site is restaurant menu website and site management online solution for restaurant or food related services. This is a fully featured PHP restaurant script. It allows you to start your online restaurant business or upgrade your existing in minutes.

This script is fully dedicated software solution with all the required features for restaurant business and gives you possibility to keep restaurant menus on your website up-to-date with easy. Creating a restaurant's online menu is very easy with ApPHP Restaurant Site script. You can add, update and maintain the dishes, prices and details as well as sort them how you want. Also you can create as many menus, categories, and menu items as you need.


  • New added possibility to delete test data after installation
  • New added different SEO link formats for each menu
  • New added possibility to define menu footer text
  • New added possibility to manage Caterings from Backend
  • Enh framework upgraded to v1.0.3
  • Enh Directy CMF upgraded to v2.8.6
  • Enh minor changes in CSS
  • Enh minor changes messages texts
  • Enh minor changes in RestaurantMenuCategoryItems
  • Enh default template CSS for mobile devices
  • Enh allowed different date/time formats in reservation form
  • Fix bugs fixed

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

New PHP tutorials added in Tutorials section on our website

New tutorials were added in PHP Tutorials section on our site.

They recommended both for beginners and advanced PHP programmers.

1. New Features in PHP7

This tutorial describes new features and changes in PHP7 and how to use them. It will be useful for programmers, who want to move from PHP5.x to the new PHP7.x

2. MySQL Cheat Sheet

Here are the most commonly used SQL commands and the most commonly used options for each. There are many more commands and options than listed here. In other words, the syntax as I have listed them are far from complete. See the links at the bottom for more complete syntax's and more commands.

3. SOLID Principles with PHP examples

This tutorial describes and shows SOLID principles with examples in PHP.
Fell free to leave your comments and suggestions.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

New version 2.8.6 of ApPHP Directy CMF has been released

We're happy to announce that new version 2.8.6 of ApPHP Directy CMF has been released. ApPHP Directy CMF is an open-source content management framework (CMF), built on ApPHP MVC Framework that provides a basic functionality required for creating websites and publishing web content. There are many changes and improvements in this version, including new responsive template.

  • New added support for layouts
  • New added possibility to specify in modules default error controller
  • New added phone, fax, email and address info in General Settings > Visual
  • New added possibility to delete all test data for separate module (if defined)
  • New added possibility to define trigger conditions and actions for module settings
  • New added new vendor - jQuery Timepicker
  • New changed new default template
  • Enh added check for email ban in social networks login
  • Enh added checkBan method to Website component
  • Enh added possibility to define socket in setup for db connection
  • Enh upgraded jQuery to 1.11.3
  • Enh improvements in drawing Search Form
  • Enh changes of icons and placement for some of Backend links
  • Enh changed logic in General / Site Settings / Site Info
  • Enh removed check for "magic_quotes" functions for PHP < 5.3
  • Enh added possibility to chekc if module is installed Modules::model()->param('moduleName', 'paramName')
  • Enh modules/ and vendors/ directories moved to assets/ directory
  • Enh all date/datetime fields default value set as NULL
  • Fix bugs fixed
 You can review all recent changes here.

Thursday, August 03, 2017

50% discount - 2017 Year 11th Birthday celebration

Hi, everyone, this 2017 Year is our 11th Birthday Celebration!
Enjoy with a 50% Offer till 31 August 2017 ONLY!

Valid on:

Monday, July 24, 2017

The new version 2.6.9 of uHotelBooking script has been released.

The new version 2.6.9 of uHotelBooking script has been released. uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. In the new version we added support for REST API module, responsive template for admin panel etc.
uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. Our hotel reservation system allows you to start online reservation and customer management in minutes. It has been specially designed to simplify the task of hotel booking online. Administrator can manage room types, hotel rates and booking options. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes invoices and reports functionality. Visitors of Hotel Site will be able to search rooms availability with an online booking reservation system. They also could view rooms inventory, check availability and book reservations in a real-time.

Version 2.6.9 changes
  • New the search for a best price when searching for rooms
  • New added new types of discounts TYPE_DISCOUNT_GUEST: by number of rooms or guests
  • New display of the best price in the tooltip on the check_availability page
  • New automatic search for available rooms
  • New setting 'customer_booking_in_past' for the possibility of reservation of the previous day
  • New tooltip for discount nights (the total of nights reserved)
  • New selection for the best rooms (if the option SHOW_BEST_PRICE_ROOMS is set)
  • New new constant MAX_PRICE_FILTER
  • New new constant MIN_BEDS_USE_FOR_ADULTS
  • New styles to display the print page
  • New new module - tcpdf
  • Enh Securimage (captcha script) upgraded to v3.6.4
  • Enh For horizontal search form new name for field "min. beds"
  • Enh PHPMailer upgraded to 5.2.22
  • Enh Improved display pages check_hotels removed empty blocks
  • Enh Search for the minimum number of beds if is not found the room with the required number of adults
  • Enh In hotel in reviews customer name is First Name + 1st letter o last name
  • Enh The Adults field is now a drop-down list when displaying one hotel in a page check availability
  • Enh Now the error message when changing the reservation date on the booking page is more informative
  • Enh Redesigned list with sorting fields when searching for available rooms
  • Enh Remember the last date of the sample to create a form on the page for detailed viewing of hotels
  • Enh Redesigned discount display (booking)
  • Enh Added total price when sending a email message
  • Enh Now on the dashboard for the administrator displays only orders with the status pending, reserved, and completed
  • Enh Redesigned work "cancellation fee"
  • Enh SEO support for pages whose name is passed through GET parameters
  • Enh A return is made to the booking_result page if there was an login to the customer from this page
  • Enh Incorrectly counted checkout on the pages of the description of the room and the hotel when changing the setting "min rooms"
  • Fix bugs fixed
    Check our Live DEMO

    Sunday, July 02, 2017

    New version 2.1.3 of ApPHP Survey script is released

    ApPHP Survey is a fully featured web solution allows non-technical users to create create surveys and polls, send them to anyone, administer them, gather results, and view statistics, all managed online after database initialization.

    There are many changes and improvements in new version, including new translations, direct login link for participant, participant identification by cookies etc. You can review all recent changes here.

    New Features in this version:

    • New added counters for Questionnaires and Participants on survey management page
    • New added additional filters on Survey Participants Management page
    • New added translation into Hebrew, Swedish and Turkish
    • New added possibility to show/hide Terms and Conditions checkbox on login page
    • New added possibility to define additional text for each survey via Backend
    • New added possibility to generate direct login link for participants
    • New added possibility to define participant identification by cookies or IP address for public surveys
    • New added answers example fro each type of question
    • Enh upgraded Framework to v1.0.3 and CMF to v2.7.2
    • Enh added filtering by Identity code for survey participans
    • Enh creates special view page for surveys Frontend homepage
    • Enh changes in default test data
    • Enh added redirection on finish page if survey was already completed
    • Fix bugs fixed

    Saturday, June 24, 2017

    New version 1.0.3 of ApPHP MVC Framework is released

    ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services. It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer. There are many changes and improvements in new version, including new helpers, such as There are many changes and improvements in new version, including new helper CMinify, global exceptions, config file changes, etc. You can review all recent changes here.

    Monday, May 15, 2017

    New snippets published - check it now!

    We've published new useful snippets on our website.
    You may check them now.

    This is a collection of snippets that are really useful for Web developers. If you know any code snippet you may post/share it for others here: Post a Snippet. The most popular of them will be added to this list. We keep adding the new snippets all the time! 

    PHP Code Snippets:
    WhoIs Query in PHP
    Calculate Full Size of Directory

    JavaScript Code Snippets:
    Blocking Right-Click
    Display Random Quotes

    CSS Snippets:
    Align Backgroud Image with Offset
    Non-Transparent Inside Transparent Elements

    HTML Snippets: 
    Post Data to iFrame
    HTML5 Article Structure

    MySQL Snippets:  
    Insert/Update if Key Already Exists
    Random Record Based on Weight

    ,htaccess Snippets:   
    Prevent Access to a Specific Files
    Force www./no-www.

    Thursday, April 20, 2017

    The new version 2.2.6 of uBusinessDirectory script has been released.

    The new version 2.2.6 of uBusinessdirectory script has been released.

    uBusinessDirectory is one of the best one-size-fits-all solutions for creating Business Directory classified websites. This script allows to add categories, then associate added businesses to these categories. You may also add business profiles including basic business contact info, business description, website link, e-mail contact, categories, map links etc. This script provides you with all features you need to setup your own eCommerce directory website on your own domain name. We provide you all things you need for a successful website such as: listings management, search engine friendly URLs, database backup, advanced text editor, banner rotation system etc.

    So it is really easy to start your own successful directory website. Listing owner has a complete control on listings in a real-time.

    This script was developed on MVC Framework and allows you to build business directory website in a few minutes and then easy add and edit the content. The script provides you with all features you need to setup your own eCommerce directory website on your own domain name.

    Version 2.2.6 changes:
    • New added possibility to specify the generation of order number
    • New added possibility to show/hide Directory Statistics Block in footer via settings
    • New added SEO links for listings and categories
    • New added setting for determining votes type
    • New added support for RTL in template
    • New added field the "published" in Frontend
    • New added a link the widget for settings
    • New added possibility to show categories tree on the Frontend
    • New added possibility to show number of listings in each category on Frontend
    • New added possibility to show/hide phone number and email from direct view on listing page
    • New added Reports tab in Backend
    • New added export for Listings in Backend
    • New added possibility to download invoice in Backend > Orders
    • New added possibility to generate widget integration code
    • Enh upgraded Framework to v0.9.0 and CMF to v2.7.2
    • Enh improved search of listings: added search by listing description
    • Enh allowed adding listings without location
    • Enh customer account settings moved from database to configuration file
    • Fix bugs fixed
     To see online demo click here: LIVE DEMO

    Thursday, April 06, 2017

    New version 2.2.1 of uAutoDelers script is released

    New version 2.2.1 of uAutoDelers script is released.

    uAutoDealers is one of the best one-size-fits-all solutions for any car dealer who are looking to bring their business online. This script is the fully functional PHP solution that allows to create infinite pages for listings, easily modify data fields, and customize your services to suit your needs. This PHP based classifieds system and inventory software is endlessly customizable and easy to maintain. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes all processes and reports functionality. Visitors of Auto Dealers will be able to search vehicle listings online, place their price bids/offers, contact vehicle owner and do many other operations. They also could view vehicle description, images, videos, check a list of damages etc. Listing owner has a complete control on listings in a real-time.

    Friday, March 17, 2017

    Discount 33% Off! - Special Crazy Spring 2017 Offer for ApPHP Members

    Hi, everyone, here 2017 Crazy Spring Sales!

    Enjoy with a 33% Offer till 31 March 2017 23:59 ONLY!
    Coupon Code: 2017-CSPR-VQNB-X34T

    Enter this coupon code on checkout page and discount will be automatically applied to yuor order.

    w/ 30-day Money Back Guarantee

    Valid on:

    Monday, February 27, 2017

    New product ApPHP ContactForm is released!

    New free product is released.

    ApPHP ContactForm is the easiest way to let your website visitors get in touch with you. It also let you avoid revealing your email address on the web, which can attract spam.

    This secure contact form is a platform independent script. Using this script will help visitors of your website to send you an email at any time.

    It may be used on any HTML or PHP page of your existing website. The form is created in such way that be embedded in local or remote sites. It just uses a single file for validation, creating and sending e-mail! Since the visual form builder is so easy to use, there's no need for advanced programming knowledge to work with this tool.


    • Maximum emails per session limitation
    • F5 button prevent double click
    • Different embedded alert types
    • Different fields: First Name, Last Name, Full Name, Birth Date, Address, Company, Country (from dropdown box), Subject and Message
    • Fields validation
    • Multi-language support (English and Spanish included)
    • Error field autofocus
    To download click here:

    Live Demo:

    Wednesday, February 22, 2017

    New version 4.1.4 of ApPHP Shopping Cart is released

    New version 4.1.4 of ApPHP Shopping Cart has been released and available now for downloading. This absolutely new script, based on ApPHP MVC Framework with many improvements and new features, like: adding to favorites, adding to comparison, new custom fields for products: color, weight, dimensions etc. All recent changes can be viewed here.

    The script provides all necessary features including multi-currency and multi-language support. Visitors may view the contents of their shopping cart at any time and may add or delete items as needed. The program automatically calculates the subtotal, shipping charges, and total price. When a visitor decides to checkout, the order information is collected in database a receipt is sent to the shopper.

    Last changes:
    • New the preservation and display of the size and color of goods
    • New added the ability to specify the generation of order number
    • New added a field "is_active" for table "cart_deliveries"
    • New working with addresses in the backend
    • New work with taxes
    • New moved the margin settings in the configuration file
    • New ability to disable blocks on the homepage
    • New restriction of products in the shopping cart
    • New sorting tabs for new products on the home page
    • Enh corrected address mapping work in the page checkout
    • Enh improved work orders (backend), add the missing fields
    • Enh remade logic adding products to the compare and the wishlist
    • Enh improved display of images on the product page for a detailed view
    • Fix bugs fixed
    See Live Demo

    jQuery - How to remove elements from the set of matched elements?

    You may remove elements from the set of matched elements by using .not() method.

    For example you want to remove all element with .alert class excluding those that have .alert-limited class.

    You may do this in a following way:

    Thursday, January 26, 2017

    The new version 8.2.7 of ApPHP DataGrid has been released

    The new version 8.2.7 of ApPHP DataGrid was released and available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. Please read carefully Getting Started.

    The goal of ApPHP DataGrid script is to simplify the generation and editing of DataGrid pages for web developers. It is a fully functional, outstanding open source PHP control.

    Here the main additions and improvements:
    • Enh - security check of some parameters
    • Enh - fields validation on server-side
    • Enh - detection of DISTINCT in SQL
    • Enh - all "alt" and "title" attributes wrapped with htmlspecialchars() function
    • Enh - removed overlib library, jquery pure code used instead
    • Enh - JS AFV module updated to version 3.3.3
    • Enh - PEAR support removed from the script
    • Bugs fixed
    To view a Live Demo click here.

    To download new version click here.

    Tuesday, January 10, 2017

    New version 4.1.1 of ApPHP MicroBlog has been released

    We've released new version 4.1.1 of ApPHP MicroBlog. ApPHP MicroBlog (ApPHP MicroB) is very simple and powerful PHP blog software. This product enables you to start your own blog within minutes. You can easy add and manage your posts and posting categories. This script is perfect for web designers and developers that want to empower their site and save the time on editing web pages every time they want to add more news. The script is very flexible, it written in object-oriented style and allows web developers easy change it to suit their needs.

    There are many additions and improvements in this version, like separate login and registration for authors, responsive template etc.

    Version 4.1.1 changes:

    • added new account type - visitors
    • added new options for authors
    • authors moved from frontend to backend
    • bugs fixed

    Monday, January 09, 2017

    New module Advertisements has been released for Directy CMF

    We're happy to announce that new module Banners for Directy CMF has been released.

    The Banners Module allows administrator to upload images for banner and display them in banner slider on the site or inside specific pages. This module is already prepared for multilingual sites. Installation and usage of this module are very simple and intuitive.

    You may find more information here: Advertisements Module and
    also check it on our Live Demo.

    Thursday, January 05, 2017

    The new version 2.5.9 of uHotelBooking script has been released.

    The new version 2.5.9 of uHotelBooking script has been released. uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. In the new version we added support for REST API module, responsive template for admin panel etc.
    uHotelBooking is a powerful hotel management and online booking/reservation site script. This script is the fully functional PHP solution to manage small to medium size of hotels, holiday flats or guesthouse. Our hotel reservation system allows you to start online reservation and customer management in minutes. It has been specially designed to simplify the task of hotel booking online. Administrator can manage room types, hotel rates and booking options. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes invoices and reports functionality. Visitors of Hotel Site will be able to search rooms availability with an online booking reservation system. They also could view rooms inventory, check availability and book reservations in a real-time.

    Version 2.5.9 changes
        • New quick reservation in admin panel
        • New module DataTables (sorting tables for dashboard)
        • New filter on Date Created in Bookings page
        • New at room description page, added new field beds, bathrooms and room area
        • New button "Apply The Filters" for page check_availability
        • New display information about the current reservation of rooms on page check_availability
        • New added to page the invoice new field the "additional info"
        • New added a new type of gallery carousel
        • New comments to the regional manager in bookings
        • New predefined constant {MESSAGE FOOTER}
        • New widget center-panel
        • New on the page check availability information on cancellation policy
        • Enh implement the setting "Allow Booking in the Past"
        • Enh convert prices at the currency switch
        • Enh all filters in admin panel the type select made from module chosen
        • Enh calendar is translated to different languages
        • Enh displays a message to the number of discounts for guests
        • Enh in the Date Created field now displays the date and time (page Bookings)
        • Enh improved with field additional payment in backend
        • Enh added the current language in the tag (example: )
        • Fix bugs fixed
          Check our Live DEMO