Version 2.8.9 changes
- New possibility to manage min/max adults and children in discount campaigns
- New possibility to create group discounts using Apply Per property in campaigns
- New possibility to debug with profiler
- New possibility to contact directly with hotel via Contact Form
- New possibility for hotel owners to register
- New possibility to send copy to admin or/and hotel owner
- New possibilities to use module shortcodes on homepage also
- New possibility to add video links in hotels (properties).
- New new module - Accounts.
- New standard registration type for hotel owner.
- New social login for customers.
- New new account type hotel manager.
- Enh added new settings COUNT_MEAL_FOR_CHILDREN
- Enh added new settings ALLOW_ADULTS_SELECTING and ALLOW_CHILDREN_SELECTING that allows to change number of guests
- Enh added new settings ADMIN_CAN_SEE_INACTIVE_PROPERTIES that allows admin to see inactive hotels
- Enh rooms management in Admin Panel with hotel selection
- Enh minor changes in installation wizard
- Enh changed payment type description in reservation PDF
- Enh default template changes for mobile devices
- Enh PHP code styling and added global exceptions handling
- Enh CSS styling for reservation emails
- Enh multi-language on script installation
- Enh added alert on dates changing on bookings and checkout pages
- Enh added demi properties for test purposes on fresh installation
- Enh if logged as Hotel Owner hide fields in the Hotels: Group, Stars, Order, Is default, Hotel Owner/ Agent commission
- Enh if logged as Hotel Owner hide fields in the Hotel Rooms: Order, Max. children.
- Enh added field "Register Number" in Hotel Info
- Enh added fields in Room Info: Register Number, Suitable for kids, Floor, Number of single beds, Number of double beds
- Enh added new data type "separated" for the checkboxes.
- Enh in backend, companies for administrators have the data type "separated".
- Fix bugs fixed