Saturday, May 25, 2019

The new version 8.3.9 of ApPHP DataGrid has been released

The new version 8.3.9 of ApPHP DataGrid was released and available now for downloading. There are many improvements and new features. This version requires full re-installation, if you work with one of previous. Please read carefully Getting Started.

The goal of ApPHP DataGrid script is to simplify the generation and editing of DataGrid pages for web developers. It is a fully functional, outstanding open source PHP control.

To view a Live Demo click here.
To download new version click here.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Become a Seller on ApPHP CodeMarket!

Hi everyone! 

We're happy to announce that from now you may sell your products on our CodeMarket. Start to sell your awesome products today, upload creative designs and receive up to 70% for each sale. Get reviews from your users, set your own prices, track your sales and feedback on your products. 

Read more how to Become a Seller.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

New version 2.3.1 of uAutoDealers is released

New version 2.3.1 of uAutoDealers has been released. uAutoDealers is one of the best one-size-fits-all solutions for any car dealer who are looking to bring their business online. This script is the fully functional PHP solution that allows to create infinite pages for listings, easily modify data fields, and customize your services to suit your needs. This PHP based classifieds system and inventory software is endlessly customizable and easy to maintain. Powerful administrator panel and online reservation manager at the back-end includes all processes and reports functionality. Visitors of Auto Dealers will be able to search vehicle listings online, place their price bids/offers, contact vehicle owner and do many other operations. They also could view vehicle description, images, videos, check a list of damages etc. Listing owner has a complete control on listings in a real-time. 

Live Demo is here.

  • added search engine listing (only when adding a new listing)
  • added option to customize the login page layout
  • added popup to terms & conditions
  • added field for listing-fiscal power
  • added RTL support to template
  • minor changes in backend styling
  • removed display of language selection when using only one language
  • changed the order of the fields when adding or editing of the listing for the sellers in the simple version
  • ApPHP MVC Framework upgraded to v1.1.5
  • Directy CMF upgraded to v2.9.2
  • bugs fixed