Saturday, March 17, 2007

JS (JavaScript) Auto Form Validator v.1.0.2

JS (JavaScript) Auto Form Validator - is a script, which helps you to create pages, that needed form's validation.

The concept is simple: we heed to write NOTHING of javascript code for any html form. How can we do it?

By giving a special prefixes to form elements:

*** first letter :
r - required,
s - simple (not required)
*** second letter :
t - text(including datetime),
n - numeric,
a - alphanumeric,
e - email,
f - float,
y - any,
l - login,
z - zip code,
p - password,
i - integer,
v - verified

For example:
1. First Name:   <input name="rtFirstname" title="First Name">
creates a required validation of the text filed with checking if this filed is text

2. Password:  <input name="rpPassword" title="Password">
creates a required validation of the text filed with checking if this filed is a valid password (length, letters, digits etc.).

3. Confirm Password:  <input name="rvPassword" title="Confirm Password">
creates a required validation of the text filed with checking if this filed is a valid confirmation of the password (length, letters, digits etc.).

To view Live Demo click here

Version 1.0.2 is available for downloading here

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