Saturday, April 07, 2007

New version of PHP DataGrid - 4.1.0

New version 4.1.0 of PHP DataGrid is available for downloading from here.

Main changes in this version:
* Feature: columns summarising
* Feature: multi-row operations (delete)
* Feature: files uploading
and many other...

To view a Live Demo click here.


fcallez said...


Thanks for the new version

I will initiate his study and preparation of tutorial videos


Anonymous said...

Hi. Is this supposed to work on IIS too?
I have PHP5 scripts running well, but this one shows the entire code when opened through a server

Anonymous said...

Thanks for file upload! ;)


Unknown said...

Very thanks!
It feels good!
I use mysql to test is so good,
but use Pear::DB oci8 exists some errors, if the new version support oci well?
sorry for my english
thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

I've also found several errors on oci8 in 4.0.0 and I've corrected many of them, how do I send you my code so you can merge it?
My email is ahferriz at yahoo com
Grat product by the way