Friday, September 21, 2007

BETA version 4.1.9 of PHP DataGrid

The BETA version 4.1.9 of PHP DataGrid is available for downloading from here.

Main additions, changes and bugs fixed in this version you can read about in our forum.

Main additions and improvements:

* Feature: [added] uploading images and files from remote hosting: "host"=>"remote"
* Feature: [added] added new source format for "enum" field type:
$fill_from_array = array("0"=>"No", "1"=>"Yes");
* Feature: [added] added new source format for dropdownlist in filtering mode:
$fill_from_array = array("0"=>"No", "1"=>"Yes");
* Feature: [added] new not-documented method getNextId()

* Feature: [improved] reduced page's HTML output (~ upto 6%)
* Feature: [improved] lang.php file splited in separate language files
* Feature: [improved] myDate() method
* Feature: [improved] language file - added Serbian
* Feature: [improved] "enum" field type in "details" mode

# Bug: [Fixed] with using WHERE in SELECT SQL statment in view mode
# Bug: [Fixed] undefined index error in drawFiltering() method
# Bug: [Fixed] wrong detection of "https://" in getProtocol() method
# Bug: [Fixed] wrong placed ")"
# Bug: [Fixed] in filtering with 2 DG's on one page
# Bug: [Fixed] in "maxlength" property for textarea
# Bug: [Fixed] <!--// error in some browsers
# Bug: [Fixed] wrong action onclick event when back button is image or button.


You can get and test it NOW!!!.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to install the Datagrid but the following message is generated:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method DB_Error::connect()

I'm using PHP5 with Postgresql 8.2

Best Regards