Sunday, September 22, 2013

New version 0.3.4 of ApPHP MVC Framework has been released.

We've released next version 0.2.4 of our new product - ApPHP MVC Framework. ApPHP MVC Framework is designed to provide modern and rapid development of websites, web applications and web services.

It implements the the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern and principles, including separation of display, logic, and data layers. It provides an architecture, components and tools for developers to build a complex web applications faster and safer.

Choosing ApPHP MVC Framework allows you to release your applications earlier, host and scale them without problem, and maintain them over time with easy.

Last changes for version 0.3.4:
  • Feature: [added] added new widget "tabs" in helper CWidget
  • Feature: [added] added new widget "gridView" in helper CWidget
  • Feature: [added] added new component CHttpCookie for cookie management operations
  • Feature: [added] added new component CLocalTime for work with timezones and locale
  • Feature: [added] added new helper CFile, that provides a set of helper methods for common file system operations
  • Feature: [added] added i18n internationalization and translation
  • Feature: [added] added new field type 'imageUpload' to CFormView widget
  • Feature: [added] added possibility to create application modules
  • Feature: [added] added CTime helper class
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in pagination widget
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in CWidget::formView() and CWidget::menu()
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in View core class
  • Feature: [improved] setting default time zone placed to CLocalTime component
  • Feature: [improved] CAuth::handleLogged() renamed into CAuth::handleLoggedIn()
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in CAuth helper class
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in CValidator helper class
  • Feature: [improved] CWidget::form() renamed into CWidget::formView()
  • Feature: [improved] added global test for database connection for application with db in Apphp class
  • Feature: [improved] minor changes in CHttpRequest
  • Feature: [improved] all widgets places in separated classes under helpers/widgets/ directory
  • Feature: [improved] improved debug info for fatal database errors
  • Bugs fixed

To download this script follow the link:

To review DEMO sites, built on the framework: 


Unknown said...

Is this a latest version?

Leumas Naypoka said...

Yes, this is the latest version.