Friday, July 13, 2007

BETA version 4.1.7 of PHP DataGrid

The BETA version 4.1.7 of PHP DataGrid is available for downloading from here.

Main additions, changes and bugs fixed in this version you can read about in our forum.

Main additions and improvements:
* Feature: [added] new method setJsErrorsDisplayStyle() and option to display
all error together
* Feature: [added] new option "textbox" in "view_type" for foreign keys
* Feature: [added] new field type in add/edit modes: "hidden"
* Feature: [added] new field type in add/edit/details modes: "delimiter"

* Feature: [improved] details/delete and multi-row columns have fixed width
* Feature: [improved] parameter "image_name" renamed in "file_name" for "image" and "file" types in add/edit/detail modes
* Feature: [improved] css classes naming and work
* Feature: [improved] encoding of data. Added collation parameter in setEncoding()
* Feature: [improved] debugger messaging system
* Feature: [improved] getting Primary Key and spliting strings in the code

# Bug: [Fixed] error if missing "req_type" parameter in add/edit/detail modes
# Bug: [Fixed] small bug with multi-row in details mode with tabular layout
# Bug: [Fixed] small bug in title for textarea
# Bug: [Fixed] small bug in setInterfaceLang()
# Bug: [Fixed] file uploading error in add mode
# Bug: [Fixed] wrong handling of "unique" parameter in add/edit mode
# Bug: [Fixed] highlighting small bug in view/details mode
# Bug: [Fixed] wrong fieldset width in view mode
# Bug: [Fixed] wrong ORDER BY parameter in SELECT SQL in add mode
# Bug: [Fixed] wrong alignment of foreign key output
# Bug: [Fixed] wrong displaying of datagrid in print preview in edit/detail modes
# Bug: [Fixed] css clas_a/class_a2 missed parameter
# Bug: [Fixed] missed unique prefix for cookie vars in hideUnHideFiltering() function
# Bug: [Fixed] unexpected 'http://'s in link type in view/detail modes


You can get and test it NOW!!!.

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